Tuesday, January 07, 2020

It Has Been a Decade Since Russell King Posted His Open Letter to Conservative Americans


If you've haunted these precincts for awhile, you may remember Russell King's "America Dad" post.  It was herculean labor, packing a payload of links and proofs that should have been sufficient to blast the Right in half and sink it to the bottom of the Marianas Trench.

Everyone linked to it.  Everyone sent to along to everyone they knew.  It went so viral that it overwhelmed the server where it was stored and was eventually it was mirrored on other sites to help share the traffic load.  Here is one such that's still up and running:
Russell King’s ‘Open Letter to Conservative Americans’
All the clowns were accurately named and shamed.  All the sin and treason and impregnable ignorance and suffocating hypocrisy of the Right (which we had all been writing about piecemeal for years) were gathered together, sorted out and nailed to the nation's cathedral door is exquisite, irrefutable detail

To this day I still go back to it and admire it as the Bayeux Tapestry of  take-downs of Conservatives and their Republican party,

But here's the thing.

It didn't alter the trajectory of the GOP one iota.  And it did not move the needle on the pathological Both Siderism of the American political press one scintilla.  And this, I suppose, is my point.

All of the ranting and hand-wringing from the Never Trumpers and all of the phony "Whither bipartisanship?" virtue signaling from the Both Siderist media that now clogs my Twitter timeline is being done by people who fucking well knew they were working for Team Evil all along.  Who were perfectly content to make a living by poisoning the village well because the Grown Ups would certainly never let things get too far out of hand.  And anyway, whatever wreckage they left in their wake, they knew they could count on some bleeding heart Liberal coming along sooner or later to more or less clean it up while they moved on to fresh horrors.

And so, as we stand here once again in the darkness cast across the globe by a monstrous Republican party and it's depraved leaders, we now have available to us a complete catalog of everything that doesn't work.  For instance, trying to reason with Republicans fails every time.  Facts are useless, even when those facts are their own words read back to them very slowly.  Appeasement -- giving them anything -- only makes them more voracious because compromise is a dirty word to them.  Offer them the hand of friendship and you'll pull back a charred stump.

Similarly, expecting the Mainstream Media to do journalism is a fool's errand, no matter how many times they shit the bed in public, and no matter how many times we shout "OMFG, just do your fucking job!" as one.

Because enabling Republican atrocities is their job: everything else is just chin music.

So, now that we know what doesn't work, it's time for the grown ups to focus on what does work.

Help Fund The Heresy!


Jason said...

Well said DG. My filament is pretty burned out from mental and emotional frustration from Republican bullshit starting with the Clinton impeachment. Having lived through enough of this crap one's lens broadens and you see bigger pictures. I'm just astounded that the right has been able to dominate political discourse for so long being wrong nearly all of the way. I hope for legit political continental shifting leftward. This might be the best opportunity in my lifetime with Sanders. I just wish I didn't feel so much animosity towards Republicans for putting people through the damage of their fevered ignorance.

Robt said...

We need to put resources into a cure for Republican disease that causes catastrophic paralysis and harm to so many families.

Please give to ;

Find a Cure for Republican Brain Anal-ism.

By the way, can we trust our U.S. Intel community again on this assassination imminent threat now or only trust them on this one thing and we go back to not trusting the Deep State???

Even Tucker Carlson is Found to be Dumbfounded.

Anonymous said...

I followed the link and read Russell King’s ‘Open Letter to Conservative Americans’, which was well worth reading. Thank you, DG.

King wrote that in 2010 and, of course, nothing has changed. By the way, who was Russell King, anyway? I couldn't find anything about him.

It ought to be required reading in every high school, college, and media company in America.

It should be shouted at every debate and speech by every Democrat running for every office.

It should be printed in every Democratic brochure and publication, especially by the Democratic National Committee.

For really fantastical wishing, it should be mentioned on every "sunday show". Like that will ever happen.

It always amuses me that, even for someone who wrote that, joining the Democratic party was unthinkable.

Warmest wishes for the new year to all.

Hal Rager said...

I recall when this article was new and enjoyed rereading now it as much now as I did for the first time back then. Then I made the mistake of glancing at the hate and vitriol in the comments.

I don't think I can continue to pretend that this country is anything but done and dead and has been for longer than I care to contemplate or acknowledge. The corpse is deep into rigor mortis continues to remain upright only because no one has bumped into it, causing it to finally fall over, much to everyone's horror.

I'm genuinely frightened what happens next, for when the last bit of pretext is abandoned then the Civil War resumes after it's long hiatus. I'm not optimistic about what happens then…