Tuesday, January 07, 2020

Grandpa Joe Continues To Promise To Do Shots With Reagan Until Bipartisanship

With this bold stance on what the Fictional Republican Party Which Exists Entirely Within The Beltway Media's Imagination might look like after Trump is gone --

Biden: Mitch McConnell Will Become ‘Mildly Cooperative’ With Democrats Post-Trump

The former vice president has also said Republicans will have an “epiphany” once Donald Trump leaves office.

Joe Biden believes that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) ― the man who refused to even vote on Merrick Garland for the Supreme Court ― will suddenly become “mildly cooperative” with Democrats once Donald Trump is no longer president.

The former vice president and current Democratic presidential candidate made his rosy prediction at a Tuesday fundraiser in New York City at the mega law firm Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom. He said he believes that “all politics is the logical extension of human nature, personal relationships.”
-- Joe Biden continues to run decisively ahead in the Beltway Bubble/David Brooks/Meet the Press/Joe Scarborough primary.

I dunno which is getting to be more tediously soul-crushing: forever shouting unheeded warnings at people who drive right off the same fucking cliff over and over again, or listening to them moan and prattle after each crash about how nobody saw it coming.

Either way, it is troubling to me that Joe Biden remains this intractably clueless this late in the game.  But it is much less troubling than President Stupid with a planet-destroying military at his fingertips and an itch to change the news cycle by blowing shit up.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


Hugsy Wugsy said...

yeah... just..yeah

Robt said...

Biden is not alone in this notion.

You heard how Amy Klobuchar knows how to get things done. How she knows how to work with republicans and pass republican bills.

Think she was instrumental in tampon-ing down the GOP fever over Kavanaugh?

With the GOP unitary dictator constitutional conservative brand new ideology that they all became after their tax cuts. So not to accept grief over being a fiscal conservative. When they borrowed 2 trillion during a time of emense national debt to give to rich people to trickle down (if they could).
Besides the Farm socialized big republican government help from other peoples money.
* Recall the arguments over the ACA. If they haven;t the money, "let them die" at a GOP election TV issues summit.
But when it comes to farmer profits from foreign trade. Please mr big government, come in and involve yourself and give us other peoples money for the loss of profits you caused by your Tariff involvement.

I see Bernie or WArren as possibly using this established unitary dictator president thing. Why not stack the SCOTUS with 2 or 3 Supremes of their choosing to make the court more like FOX. Being fair and balanced.
Just sign an executive Order. McConnell has no business/ authority to subpoena anyone to perform oversight so Congress is there as a neutered entity they became under Trump.

I see Biden of being too responsible and earnest to use the old ways to get it done when it doesn't exist and he will fail because republicans as McConnell led when Obama was inaugurated (and Joe too). Declared their sole meaning in life is to make the entire country fail and blame Obama for that failure.
This is what Biden has awaiting him.
Now I get the notion of politically talking common ideals and working to convince folks of things.
But the man who shot Dr. Tiller was beyond reach of reasonable discussion that would be fruitful.
Isn't this why Trump assassinated the Iran Commander in Iraq. It wasn't because Trump and his people tried talking (diplomacy)..

Biden seems to neglect the GOP's support of T
the show called,
"Lte's make an art of the deal" with Monty Trump Hal.

Like the deal where Iraq expels American presence in Iraq.
And guess who inherits the $ trillion dollar Bagdad Embassy?