Friday, January 17, 2020

2020 Matthew Dowd Thinks 2016 Matthew Dowd Should Be Fired

You might remember that during the last presidential election, I tangled repeatedly and publicly with ABC News' Chief False Equivalence Enunciator, Mr. Matthew Dowd over the Both Siderist, Trump-enabling horseshit he was peddling for a living.

He was very, very certain that "both status quo parties are broken.Saying 1 is worse thanother isn't helpful" and had all the firepower of the ABC News corporation at his command to roll right over a stoopid Libtard blogger like me.

Let us now jump forward into the middle of exactly the racist, Republican dystopia that stoopid Libtards like me were frantically warning Both Siderist hacks like Dowd was waiting for us all if they kept dramatically lowering the bar for Trump and dramatically raising the bar for Clinton just so they could go right on sharting out Both Sides Do It opinion pieces using their national media platforms.

 And what do we find?

Thanks to the Alert Reader who passed this along to me, since Matthew Dowd blocks me on Twitter.

And why (you ask) does Matthew Dowd block me on Twitter?

For publicly naming and shaming him out over and over again as the undisputed king of Both Siderism during the 2016 presidential election.

Yes boys and girls, there really is a Club.

And you and I are absolutely not welcome there.

Behold, a Tip Jar!

1 comment:

Robt said...

When Dowd makes statements like ,
"If you read Driftglass then you don't care much for the truth."

How did Dowd become the authority church elder of FOX when they say all others lie. Only we have the Truth.

Like the Kellyannem" alternative facts Truth".

Where Dowd goes artsy from his bullshit mountain of truth and ethics.

Dowd trolls the media for lackys who have issues he can comondere some sort of command authority and it appear (mind you) he seeks out the vulnerable he can stroke and share the Kool aid with.

I do not rquire someone as Dowd to judge me and who I read or do not as to get a passing grade from the instant Ko0l aid school of Dowd.

I will read DG writing and decide when where and what I agree and what is true or not.

I imagine Dowd would engage Alex Jones if not only for the exposure to his following in hopes of garnering some of his followers.
If dowd wants to take some ethical stand. If he is one of the last Guru media Truth holders.
He should bring that truth to FOX viewers, InfoWars, KKK, NAZI Party.
Dowd should take his act to the Trump rallies..................Where he can really spread truth where it is desperately in demand.