Friday, October 04, 2019

Professional Left Podcast #514

“Or have we eaten on the insane root
That takes the reason prisoner?"  
--  Bill Shakespeare, writer

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I'm trying a new embed format provided by Radio Public.  Let me know what you think! Links:
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paul said...

Driftglass: good article about Drumpf country in the New York Times. Just a general self-pitying, anti-tax, government-is-for-suckers attitude. Sad. But if Dems can understand this attitude, maybe they can find a strategy to defeat it.

dinthebeast said...

Indivisible is claiming credit for the Joni Ernst thing, and they have a name for the tactic: they call it "bird dogging" whereas I thought it was just, you know, journalism...
Elizabeth Warren was impressive in her turnaround of the attempted Gannoning of her (O'Keefeing?) and her supporters were right there with the "this is wholesale misogyny", perhaps signalling that she can hold her own against the Fergus/Republican slime machine.
They do seem to be getting frantic and desperate so they are probably even more dangerous because of it.
The tee shirt thing reminded me of one of my favorite bands, the New Pornographers, (who have a new album and tour just starting) because they have partnered with a company to make the shirts they sell at shows available in the sizes that actually fit the people who come to those shows.
Thank you again for the podcast, this has been a strange, difficult week with one of our housemates having a severe psychotic episode, so the sanity is even more appreciated than usual.

-Doug in Oakland

olandp said...

"Not today Satan," is from Bianca del Rio on Drag Race.

Robt said...

It has been a very overwhelming couple of weeks.

I am left with the Quagmire over the GOP congressional rats. Particularly the Senate species.

Between the Sasse and Romney type who toss overboard a bucket of chum knowing it is going to attract sharks. Knowing the danger if they wish to coll of and take a swim.

So oteworthy,
Auto industries using dogs "driving in cars" to sell their vehicles. Dog approved cars

Does your dog favor Dodge over a Chevy?

You know what comes next in the advertisement of dick pills?

When walking your dog. Is he ready and confident for that intimate sidewalk moment when he meets that Poodle down the street?

Maura said...

Not only did Warren play the Cougar card in that tweet, she also tied it into her plan to cancel student debt and make college free for everyone who wants it.