Saturday, October 05, 2019

Rick Perry Made Me Do Crimes

President Stupid's latest alibi.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


Jimbo said...

Rick Perry is not a real bright guy but he is a very experienced politician. He would never have gone into a situation where he could be framed. Nope. And that's why he has volunteered to testify before Congress. I don't care about ex-Gov. Goodhair but this is classic Trump behavior.

Jimbo said...

You've changed your site's look. I like it; very clean and easy to navigate.

Robt said...

Gov. secede from the black president. Former Gov. prancing with the stars. Presidential candidate unable to remember that 3rd Government department (Dept. of Energy) he wanted to obliterate. Good thing he didn't because his GOP socialized welfare job depended on it existing.
A very memorable moment in his confirmation hearing ,
* He did not know nuclear energy/ weapons were regulated by the Dept. of Energy.
* Perry's unique qualifications for the job (was not any degrees or experience in physics or nuclear power. His background and education was. still is. He had investments personal investments in oil and gas (Dakota pipeline). Education degree in Animal Anatomy with a certificate from his church for completion of Bible studies.

He does get to exit with a last diversion of being implicated by Trump for being the Ukraine menace.

Perry might be resigning, but he is like when you spray your yard for mosquitoes. Being tired of getting bit and itching and scratching. Only for it to rain the next day and the mosquitoes are back.

Rick has that conservative dire need to be relevant. Like Newt, the GOP will find a public use in your ears and eyes for you.

Perry quietly wore "Depends". Depends-ing on those at the Dept, of Energy who were qualified to understand Nuclear energy.