Wednesday, September 04, 2019

In the End, The Right Was Reduced to a Mob of Reprogrammable Meatbags...

...being constantly exhorted to ever greater stupidities and catastrophes by a leadership caste of scowling rodents repeating the words "Freedumb" and "Lefties" and "Communist" over and over again at 78 rpm.

Scowling Rodent Ben Shapiro today:

Scowling Rodent Ben Shapiro two years ago:
And the meatbags cheered.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


Robt said...

Shapiro writes of his fears and needs to project them on others. Suspicion tells me he does this for fame and fortune off the republican profit market.

"will there be republican box stores", he ponders.

What did Shapiro and republicans do before the weapons of war was sold? They did not perish under the bad guys with guns.
I am not so sure people like Ben Shapiro was to have their loved one(s) child a mass shooting death victim statistic could override his self marketing to be relevant to a well known zombie commodity resource. So he can continue to promote and profit.

Shapiro is no different than the anti gay businessman who runs a "gay conversion business. Who recently opened the closet door and stepped out and confronted his own gayness.

Never even giving his own gay conversion theropy a try.

As the right wing likes to pass judgement on God out of public schools, no God at home with the family, blah- blah...

Lets blame Shapiro's parents. For not instilling God into him. making Ben dependent on Guns to pray to and rely on in the absence of God.

dinthebeast said...

Sorry Ben Ben, but Walmart (and Kroger) made those decisions for purely financial reasons. Don't you believe in capitalism?

-Doug in Oakland