Saturday, September 14, 2019

Congressman Inert Carbon Rodney Davis Promises Return To Normalcy, If...

My congressman, Rodney Davis, pledges that if Democrats would just stop all of their fussin' and fumin' about "impeachment" and Donald Trump being a "pathological liar" and a "fascist" and a "thugs leading a gang of Republican vandals, cowards and looters" and a "Russian stooge", then Republicans will happily go back to being the thoughtful...



...governing partners...

...they were during the Obama Administration:
The House has voted 54 times in four years on Obamacare. Here’s the full list.
From local radio station WMAY:
Congressman Rodney Davis isn’t happy about impeachment talk on Capitol Hill.

As congressional Democrats take steps toward a possible full impeachment inquiry against President Trump, Davis says those moves are a waste of taxpayer dollars and are adding to gridlock in Congress.

Davis says the threat of impeachment is making it impossible for negotiations to take place on key legislation… and says it’s time for Democrats to move on from the 2016 election.
But of course, Democrats did move on from the 2016 election.  It was called the 2018 election:
Latest House results confirm 2018 wasn't a blue wave. It was a blue tsunami.

The final votes are being counted from the 2018 election. They confirm that the Democrats crushed Republicans.
And in 2020 we'll be coming for you, Rodney.

Update:  "Impeachment talk is the reason nothing is getting done in Congress" and "Move on" are now clearly the Republican party's new talking points.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


Robt said...

Rodney is not and doesn't need to be my republican congressman to be able to ask the simple.
List where you were nroal and working in bipartisan Koch loving manners?

If I may elaborate.
McConnell declared he is the Grim Reaper. Their is no democratic congress person that will be allowed to represent their tax paying constituents. Matter of fact, Independent and republican congress people cannot represent their constituents as well.

Moscow Mitch put it simply "Grim Reaper" If the House passes anything with 100% of every house member passing it. Not in the senate. So house GOPers, Dems and independent in bi partisan legislation unanimously shall not be considered in the senate. No matter what the Senators say or want.
Take Moscow Mitch's other declaration,
"Unless the president says what he wants and will sign it". There is no reason to debate or vote. The senate does not legislate by McConnell or TRump. They just change the president's diapers.

What they are telling us is, they do not understand why the founders created the "VETO" for the president.

Since your Rodney claims he and other republicans he is not responsible for and does not control. As displayed when Speaker Bohner (with GOP majority). Had to make a deal with Pelosi and Dems for their votes to pass a budget. to send to their GOP majority Senate. To put on the signing desk of their GOP President.
But then, this sort of memory is blasphemy in the church of Koch/GOP Church incorporated.

Rodeny was there as Trump promised to make Mexico pay for the wall. The GOP is making me pay for the wall and I am not of Mexican nor Latin decent.
Trump promised a 10% middle class only tax cut prior to the 2018 mid terms and it did not materialize.

Not one republican has tooj the principled parrot perch to help and force the president's promise of making Mexico pay for a wall. Not one has taken up stubborn partisan arms to pass the president's call for that 10% tax cut for Mid-class only.

McConnell heard the president call for these two selected Issues I present here. Yet, President calls for it and McConnell who declared if president calls for it and will sign it. Only then they will pass it.
Not happening is it?

So, Rodney cannot legislate anything. Even as a republican who passes a bill. His on party Senate leader will not let him legislate and it dies in the senate because, the president did not say he wanted it.

So the question for Rodney is, the question I put to my own GOP representative of the senate and House.
"why do we need you? Pay you a salary, pension health care for you and your family when you cannot legislate?
When the President by GOP allowance may allocate money, change any law or create law from the white house. You know, using that sharpie is all it takes.

Keep in mind, every republican senator gives Moscow Mitch this power to discard everyone in their state no matter political party. From being represented. It is about representing corporations and entities of corporations like the NRA.
The NRA and the likes of Amazon do not have to pay taxes. But they get all the benefits. All the representation.
These entities will tell you how they love the troops. How the military might is a good chip in negotiating trade. but will never pay for any of it. This leaves them more money to donate to politicians to silence the people.

Question is for the Rodneys. Does blaming Obama for everyone's flat tires or Iphone going dead and needing recharge really rally his voters?
What is sad with Rodney's promise to be bipartisan if Democrats do everything he says . is If Dems oblige Rodney Rodney is not being Bi partisan. Is he?

steeve said...

Move on? We're just waiting on the senate to even begin debate on the piles of bills the house already passed. What's the point of passing new bills if the old ones are just sitting there?