Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Sunday Morning Came and Went: Chuck Todd is Darrin Stevens Edition

As some of you know, I have been running a regular feature called "Sunday Morning Comin' Down" off and on for the last 14 years. Virtually no one else back then was vivisecting the Sunday Gasbag Cavalcade and explaining what an toxic disaster they were for our national political discourse, so I figured that since I was already writing a bunch of stuff that was hugely unpopular and guaranteed to make me a media pariah, why not add one more?

See if this all sounds way too familiar.

From April, 2005:

Sunday Mornin' Coming Down...

I watched Sunday teevee and sipped coffee and typed a little bit of what I saw. Maybe I’ll do this more regularly. Anyway be apprised that I’m not a court recorder and this is not a transcript: All quotes are imperfect and not direct attributions but are, shall we say, impressionistically correct

Meme wars this morning!

Harry Reid going great guns on the Heaven’s Gate Republican “impeach and possibly waste all judges who oppose Tom DeLay’s Divine Will” nuttery on CBS this morning. This Mormon kid’s got some heat!

driftglass FYI: As of next week, 205 out of 214 judges from Bushville will have been confirmed. That’s 96%...a rate of blockage or 4%. During Clinton’s term, Republican Senators blocked 35% of President Clinton’s nominees. See 35 is MORE than 4! I know that some of my GOP friends will have to take off their shoes and socks to cipher numbers that high, but trust me, like Evolution, it’s really true!

And as a matter of historical interest, in the Clinton years, Republicans threatened to stop all confirmations or just obliterate judicial positions outright, demanding they were entitled to choose half of the judges themselves. And the only reason that Bush even has so many vacancies into which he can pack so much rancid Republican Peanut Butter is because the GOP blocked so many Clinton nominees in the first place...

...and every time you hit the lever for Republicans, you enable this kind of Anti-American bullshit to run unchecked.

Harry Reid catches the meme: “These are not "mainstream" Republicans; these are the extreme, hard Right.”

On the Bolton Nomination: "We're not going to allow someone who is an embarrassment to the country.”

“If this goes on, we'll just become an extension of the House of Representative.”

Bob Schieffer: “Is there some kind of compromise that is being worked on...”

Bob don’t get it, and I'll get to that in a longer piece on what I’ll call the “Tyranny of Artificial Bisection” at a future date...

And you know what?  I did write about the "Tyranny of Artificial Bisection” -- which later became "Both Sides Do It" -- at a future date.  Literally thousands of times.  And I wrote about the Sunday Gasbag Cavalcade week after week, year after year until, very gradually, I (mostly) stopped.

I (mostly) stopped because standing in the middle of nowhere shouting into the abyss while the media got exponentially worse wasn't changing anything and it wasn't improving my disposition.  See, I've been to this particular rodeo before.  Many times, under many guises.  I saw this same thing happen when I worked in the private sector.  At a college.  At non-profits.  For local government.  In each case there came a time when the actions of senior decision-makers were so fucking awful -- and were so plainly contrary to the organization's stated mission -- as to appear inexplicable.

And in short order the fallout from their intransigent damnfoolery became apparent.  Thanks to completely avoidable management malfeasance and incompetence,  two non-profits I worked for have virtually ceased to exist.  One insurance company is now survived only by a culinary school which one of the owners started as a lark.  One government department has had 80% of its mission taken away, and another has been wiped out of existence altogether.

It happens all the time.  Everywhere.

Back when I was a younger driftglass and found myself in such profoundly dysfunctional organizations, I took it upon myself  a few times to try to sleuth out some explanation for the destructive whims of senior management.  Just something.  A whiff.  A glimpse of some genius Master Plan in which the day-to-day insanity and stupidity which we could see all around us were just transient side-effects.  A crumb of elucidation, especially when those decisions were fucking over my division or team. I lost a couple of jobs and wrecked one career on futile fact-finding excursions like these before I learned to keep my head down and begin looking for an exit once it became clear that there was no genius Master Plan, just a mob of greedy idiots with too much power looking to grab as much as they could before the roof caved in.

Or, to misquote Blaise Pascal, a corporation has its reasons which reason does not know.

Because there is always a reason.  And usually those catastrophic decisions come down to the most basic human weaknesses.  Fear and greed.  Careerism or bribery.  Blackmail.  Toadyism.  Paying off sexual favors.  Entitled third-generation-inherited-wealth laziness and stupidity. Or simple, everyday cowardice -- the suffocating dread of being seen by those even higher up the food chain as having made a horrible decision ... and so doing absolutely nothing in the face of onrushing disaster.

Hell, read Catch-22.  It explains everything.

So when I see people with real bylines in respectable publications going after Chuck Todd hammer and tongs --
VoxChuck Todd’s Trump interview, and the backlash to it, explained

The NBC anchor wasn’t prepared, and Trump took advantage.

SalonTrump's Chuck Todd interview: Right and wrong have come permanently unstuck in America

Splinter: Do Not Waste Your Brain Cells Watching Chuck Todd Interview Donald Trump

Chuck Todd's terrible interview with our fabricator-in-chief snapped the tether: From here on out there's no truth

WaPo: Trump’s lies need to be exposed in real time

-- I am delighted. After all, it gets very lonely out here in the middle of nowhere, year after year. shouting into the abyss all by oneself.

However, a word of caution: trying to hold mopes like Chuck Todd to the standards of what used to be called "journalism" is inevitably doomed to failure because Chuck Todd not a journalist.  

Chuck Todd is Darrin Stevens.

He is a performer who has been hired by a media corporation to play a very specific role on their teevee show.

Funny how no one seems to remember that Chuck Todd has always been this awful.

And one day the part he plays on Comcast/NBC teevee will be taken away from him and handed off to someone else who is just as bad or worse, just as it was taken away from the wretched David Gregory and handed off to Chuck Todd.

Funny how no one seems to remember David Gregory --

-- or how truly awful he was in exactly the same way Chuck Todd is awful:

...But this year, with Newt’s infamous "Obama is a Kenyan anti-colonial..." and "Muslim=Nazi" comments, he very publicly belly-flopped into the Conservative racist cesspit once again, paddled to the bottom and started digging into its gooey shitbed to see if he couldn't get just a little bit lower.

Over in the Better Universe this would have ended Newt's public career in a blaze of Al Campanis/Jimmy-the-Greek celebrity-suicide-by-monstrously-ugly-remark-to-the-third-power shame: when added to Newt's already long history of saying hideously despicable things, Gingrich would have been lucky to spend the rest of his days not having poo thrown at him by respectable citizens every time he stuck his head into the sun.

But of course this is not the Better Universe: this is the universe where, rather than risk committing an act of actual journalism by asking Newt a single question about his grotesque behavior, Greggers instead used his stewardship of the biggest tent at the Mouse Circus to obediently let that clown back out of the box one more time in an appearance that Gingrich now highlights on his own site.

Your Emmy awaits, Mr. Gregory.

And no one seems to learn the vital lesson that "David Gregory" + "Chuck Todd" teaches us.  That for its own, corrupt reasons, Comcast/NBC wants a craven, Republican-enabling stooge in that chair and will keep a craven, Republican-enabling stooge in that chair no matter how many of shout otherwise into the abyss, because Comcast/NBC does not give the tiniest damn what they are doing to our democracy.

Which is why, one fine day Chuck will be out for a long drive in the country, on top of the world, calculating how much of a tongue bath to give Mitch McConnell the next time he sees him.  Then he will get a call from someone at Comcast/NBC telling him that he has been replaced with Hugh Hewitt or a hologram of David Broder or an animated dog.  Doesn't really matter as long as they stick to the fucking script.

Chuck will then start his own podcast which will last for 10 episodes and which no one will listen to.  He will write a book about his spiritual journey which no one will read.  Finally, when his non-compete clause expires, he will show up on some CNN panel along with 15 other talking heads all trying to speak at once.

And Hugh Hewitt or a hologram of David Broder or an animated dog will pick up right where Chuck left off.

Thus we arrive at our own Catch-22:  For our democracy to survive, the media must do the very thing which corporations are designed not to do -- point the camera at itself -- and reward the behaviors it has always punished.

Unfortunately, our American democracy is not like a college or a non-profit or a private company or a government department.  Now that it's clear that the agenda of our corporate media is destroying our democracy, keeping our heads down, updating our resumes and looking for the exits is not an option.

So while I appreciate all my new friends out here in middle of nowhere, shouting into the Sunday Gasbag Cavalcade abyss with me, it will all come to nothing if those with much more staff and money and access than me don't use their power to take the next step and pry open the decision-making machinery of the corporate media and expose the fear and greed, careerism and bribery, toadyism, blackmail, nepotism or simple, everyday cowardice that keeps clowns like Chuck Todd gainfully employed.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


bill said...

It's an interesting exploration of "the long con". The POG's "Opposite World" political one and the Media's profit extraction exercise. There are many parasitic sub-genres folding in and out and no shortage of well-meaning attempts to ignore the reality and carry on the time-honored peoples' struggle. The arc may truly be toward justice, but the con and its shills cares little beyond maintaining its upper hand.

The dots do connect. You do a fine job of providing clarity, albeit to a limited market. Someday you might be listed on the roll of "Those who saw it coming and tried to sound the alarm.". So you've got that going for ya.

Robt said...

Come on DriftGlass,
"Funny how no one seems to remember David Gregory --"

I recall. I may not like to or try not to. But I recall the Gregory.

"And I proclaim, "I am somebody".

Replacing tha toads with a Robot from the future sent to the present to destroy living things. Is not worth displaying Todd's worthlessness to convince enough of what he intends.

I mean Sinclair propaganda Network who is competing to be the full Orwellian moon shot that never happened. Has a fully trained talent in Sebastian Gorka, who merely need state his infamous phrase (to any commentary) a, that Phrases being, "the alpha males are back".

Gorka has that Trump supporter accent like Malania. Which catches the full Monty love of white supremacist American only imagination. As they hate on all foreigners and immigrants.
Give Toad some cred. He told us all that his job as he sees it, is not to get at, get near any truth or facts. If a republican has a need to lie (He means express his truth). then he is there to transmit that virus.

He is a conductor. But just to prove he is not a political gump. He will advocate for the FOP devil with every Democra.

This is conservative bi partisanship at its core.

If Stephen Colbert was available, He would be my first choice to take over MTP.
MSNBC could move MTP with Colbert to the late night hour and ratings would soar.
Advertisers would swarm and profits would show up.

But the conservative magical free hand of the free market doesn't quite live up to its promotion.

It is like NYT replacing Brooks with the Rude Pundit. it would sell. It would make more sense. Draw more readers.
But DFB's column space is purchased and reserved for the likes of a DFB. Some would say DFB equivalent to take over (being conceived in Frankenstein's lab and groomed with the genetic splicing of Hewitt and Goldberg.

American plantation owners feel pretty strongly about exposing Americans to the old ways of curing the sick by cutting and bleeding out the illness.

But that is the cost effectiveness they have in mind for their cotton pickers. Not for themselves.

Meremark said...

When the corporate media is pried open everyone inside is fucked. Please, Jesus, more whip.


Now something that has two sides: coins.
Anyone who says "two sides" means they get money in it.

Morality, ethics, justice, balance, truth and so forth is not two-sided.

Such principles are firm footing where a person's sentience stands. A basis. A foundation.
The two sides at such points are inside and outside. In-bounds and out-of-bounds = on the fringe = marginal.

It's like a bike. (Or bring your own experience.)
Bicycles offer a range of positions for the bike rider to assume and move along upright in balance.
Outside that range is false assumption, crash. burn.
Yeah, two sides: life and death.

That's the subjective meaning in the thoughts of anyone who says their political belief is only along for the ride, their feet don't reach the pedals, they'll have whatever is out there.

Coins have two sides. (Got any?)
Values have in them one center of gravity. (Grave.)


And another thing.

Death-wishing massmedia is a one script pony on which the Democratic candidates are lassoed hostages.
It's the 'hermetically sealed reality' show script.
● 21st century explorers come ashore on TV island.
● In each weekly episode one of them dramatically disappears carried away in cyclones or eaten by TV's carnivorous plants.
● Guaranteed 24-episode series sure to deprave your entertainment attention in politics past Super Bowl LIII 2020.

Democatic candidates as a group would destroy massmedia (losing ad sales) if none exit the stage on cue.


Green Eagle said...

To put it more succinctly, the mainstream press are not the Republicans' dupes, they are their collaborators. And anyone who forgets that will be totally mystified by what they see on TV and in the remaining newspapers.

Robt said...

No shame in anyone admitting they are Liberal except if they fall prey to the republican media mantra standards.

I do not recall the media during the last presidential election. At any and every time of day, when mentioning republican candidates a "Conservative candidate Ted Cruz". How the candidates would argue of which one was more conservative than the other among themselves. The media never subtitled Republican candidate or conservative or conservative republican candidate
Lindsey Graham.

The MSNBC wife of Greenspan.
Always has to subtitle Warren and Sanders as Liberal socialists. When she ever mentions their name. She can't just say Democratic candidate Warren.

It does not effect me and those words are not scary or trigger my gun hate trigger finger.
Is she slighting and slanting?

Andrea Mitchell has a dire need to tell viewers all the ingredients she is told is on Warren's package label. OK, it is reporting.

So why she seems incapable and overly cautious to read most of the GOP candidates ingredient labels. Where it lists 80% fascist. 10% racist and 90% oligarch.

It is subtle. Very subtle and she speaks it very carefully.

What I think I hear is, Andrea is expressing "extremisms" of certain candidates and sticking with generics of others.

It is what the right famously has done for 30 years.

The Newter, it was always the "Extreme left" or with the Rush Limp-paw, "liberal socialists and even the Billo and his, "Far left loons"

Who all would bring it all home to "democrats" to define the entire party with all these long established derogatory.

That Democratic equates to all their years of defining, demeaning frolicking in the media to the point it infested actual news reporting.
maybe I am too sensitive. Like I said, It doesn't personally effect me.

When I hear people I know recite these ingredients as "they are liberal not democrat and I hate socialism.

The subtle conception aired by the Andrea appears to have substance.

rickstersherpa@msn.com said...

In the age when before Bork & Reagan Administration, when Ant-Trust had teeth, NBC/RCA had to spin off its second network which was how ABC was born. And networks had only 4 affiliates. And a Fairness Doctrine & a Public Interest Rule, these shows had actual, non-Ivy League journalists like Peter Lisagor, Georgie Ann Geyer, & R.W Apple. But now they are part of the Infotainment conglomerates, dedicated to low taxes & moving the Overton window to right.

Victor said...

I'm watching the hideous Democratic debate, and in the 2nd part they've paired-up Rachel Maddow with UpChuck Toad to ask the questions.
Talk about "Ying" and "Dung!"

How will UpChuck fuck this up?
Stay tuned!

Dark Phoenix (Nixa) said...

"How will UpChuck fuck this up?"

Easy; he'll pull out the list of "Talking Points Republicans Want on Fox News Tomorrow" and try his hardest to get the Dem candidates to say the words listed on his list. Even if it means he has to yell at them about not following the script.