Friday, June 21, 2019

Professional Left Podcast #499

“They've got us surrounded again, the poor bastards.”
--  Creighton Abrams
SPECIAL NOTICE:  We discovered today that, due to a screw-up by Visa, our P.O. box had been closed for the past several weeks.  Which means anything you sent to us via the mail during that period was returned as undeliverable.  However, the good people of the Springfield postal union reopened our box right away and all is well.  So anything you send or re-send us -- yarn, scotch, big bags of cash -- will now get to us without delay at this address.
The Professional Left
P.O.  9133
Springfield, IL 62791

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The Professional Left is brought to you by our wholly imaginary "sponsors" and real listeners like you!


dinthebeast said...

Yeah, Fergus may have had the whole bomb/not bomb situation scripted for him, but he couldn't do anything about Putin undercutting his message on live teevee by telling him what a catastrophe an attack on Iran would be for the US.
That's one of the drawbacks of throwing your lot in with despots, they only help you win when they think it helps them.
I feel for you on the PO box thing. I've lost my reapplication forms from Medi-Cal and Social Security due to moving, twice, and found out the first time two weeks after I discovered I needed cataract surgery.
Many hoops to jump through with failing eyesight, all assisted by the folks at Highland Hospital in Oakland, they are simply the best.
Thank you again for the podcast, I'll send you another cat picture soon, and remember that I sent you a picture of Zsuzs' cat, Squeaker, along with the story of his disappearance in a forest fire and miraculous return...

-Doug in Oakland

Robt said...

Doug in Oakland;

Your pint on Putin influence is a result of being owned for past credit for getting Trump over the top. And keep in maria NRA Butina republican party coat tails in the election in the value hopper as well.

The caot tails the gave the GOP the House and Senate with the General election.

As w all been treated to, Why wouldn't Trump take foreign help in misinformation propaganda on Americans.

I mean, If we witnessed a kidnapping or a bank robbery where someone has been killed and we have information to lead to their arrests.

Why call the FBI?

If a jurist is being bribed in a court case. Take the meeting (and the cash). maybe notify authorities.

This is our AG Barr's position of Justice Dept leadership.

My first question was, Why is America patrolling the entire coast line of Iran in the Gulf of Oman in the first place?

SamB said...

The New Republic has a decent article on the difference between, say, Warren's attitude towards the Republicans and Biden's.
Author Alex Pareene traces his ideas to Chantal Mouffe, a Belgian devotee of Gramsci. He wonders if the Pod Save people have read Mouffe (presumably her 2018 book).
I wrote The New Republic to suggest that Driftglass and Bluegal deserve credit, directly or indirectly, for getting these ideas into at least into the edge of the main stream. Thank you for your years of labor on this!

Robt said...

After watching the Trump lawyers arguing in court . That Tooth brushes and soap is not a basic need to prisoners.
Although the prison guards might feel it is too stinky of a working condition.

Why hasn't the Tooth Brush CEO stayed at a Trump Hotel/ Joined mar A Lago and visited Trump to discuss Small GOP government buying his tooth brushes. It is about profit not about basic humane treatment of people, right?