Saturday, October 27, 2018

Matthew Dowd is a Fundamentally Ridiculous Person

Do I think Mr. Dowd is wrong?


Do I think it is fucking hilarious that just two years ago Matthew "Mr. Both Sides Do It" Dowd not only blocked me but went out of his way to personally insult my readers for saying this very thing.


Do I think it is a national tragedy that, until it was far too late, men like Matthew Dowd kept themselves is a state of near-catatonic denial about the completely preventable catastrophe that was rushing right at us? A catastrophe that was somehow perfectly obvious to disreputable, foul-mouthed Libtard bloggers like me, but completely eluded ABC News' very own chief political analyst?

Boy howdy.

Can I forgive him?

Absolutely.  All he has to do is unblock me.  Then apologize to my readers.  Then resign and go do something far, far away from the cameras since he is clearly just fucking awful at both the "politics" part and "analysis" part of being a political analyst.

Oh, and my birthday fundraiser is still underway, so if Mr. Dowd is feeling anywhere near as guilty and penitent as he should feel, the plenary indulgence window is now open.  It comes with no guarantees, but like chicken soup, hitting the tip jar of the honest and honorable person you insulted over an issue that you were dead wrong about all along couldn't hurt. 

 ...Birthday Fundraiser!


Robt said...

Keep in mind,
When and if the Earth stops its rotation around the sun for Dowd to apologize to you and your readers.
It is solely up to you to accept (or not) his atoning.

Pro left Reader disclaimer;
I reserve the right separately as a reader to accept any or all apologies bestowed on the Pro Left blogger, blog and its readers. Reserving the individual pro Left Blog readers individual right.

* The phenomenon of of enabling or injecting the sickness for career and profit .
cannot be erased by a simple "sorry". Amends always requires some sort of atoning. mending of ways and change of behavior which corrects the wrong done. That provides the antidote to the illness.

There are categories of atoners.

What next, Dowd is going to protect Pre existing conditions of health care from BOTH SIDES.....!

-The Charlie Sykes. Who furthered his career off his damage. Points to the damage and says, ""look over there".

- Thee hew Hewitt who is now able to accept a liberal paycheck (his evil MSNBC). continues to be a more intellectual Typhoid Mary.

-You have the David Jolly and Jennifer Rubin group that changes their ways and does something about it.

- The Steve Schmidt/ Nicole
Wallace category. Which is able to hold their careers while ranting of the ugly dangerous present they helped develop and bring to the present from the past. While still profiting well. hanging on to their glorious past conservatism that is not much different than today's.

A base line of this illness is Newt Gingrich. Examine Newt's rise in the 90's. Examine Newts all up to date.

This is what Morn Joe, Schmidt, Wallace, Steele all cling to but found enough disgust somewhere (their devalued worth in the party today). Subjected them to seek employment outside of the GOP financial network.
Requires publicly some sort of reconciliation of their unapologetic fervent past. for the pay check to sustain their economic caste standard of living..

Neo Tuxedo said...

For reasons that I'm sure make sense to her, my kindly gray-haired mother starts the day with Morning Joke. As I am currently under-employed and acting as a live-in helper-around-the-house for her and my aging father, I get to have it inflicted on my ears over breakfast.

This morning, in front of a panel that included Charlie Ss'aik'ss and Slick Rick Wilson, I heard Joey Joe Joe Junior come as close as I have ever heard any right-wing bobblehead come to pronouncing the killing words "The Left was right about the Right all along." He didn't acknowledge his years of yeoman service as a leopard trainer, but he admitted to the reality that there are leopards roaming the streets and they are feeding to satiety on faces, legs, hearts, livers and the hollow rounds of skulls. It's a thin reed to hang your head on, but it's the crack that might flood their brains with light.