Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Nobody Puts Man-Baby in a Corner!


Never mind.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


Now Am Found! said...

every country laughed at him. now who will he bomb?

dinthebeast said...

Poor Fergus. They just up and laughed at his bullshit. Why he thought he could use the same material he uses on the Pig People at his rallies in front of live, functioning human beings is anybody's guess.

-Doug in Oakland

Neo Tuxedo said...

Why he thought he could use the same material he uses on the Pig People at his rallies in front of live, functioning human beings is anybody's guess.

My guess is, it's because the Vulgar Talking Yam (tip o'the Hatlo hat to Brother Charles) has never encountered a problem he could neither bully nor buy his way out of.

Robt said...

The Five vularian fingers and a pen president is there to entertain while the GOP and their masters have him sign their bewildering ideological agenda. Even if it means discarding those pesky U.S. Constitutional speed bumps.

Trump and Kim. Trump and Duterte> Trup and Putin. Trump an Xi Trump and Netanyahu.
Hello Iran. Remember John Bolton.

Pablo in the Gazebo said...

He always looks like he's taking a dump.