Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Failin' Powers and Madame

 As he marches his misogynist goon squad into the Republican Party's very own Vicksburg, wingnut supreme commander Mitch McConnell deploy's the time-honored "Hire a puppet and hide behind her skirts while bulldozing this disgraceful sham to the finish line as fast as humanly possible" strategy:

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1 comment:

Robt said...

While you ask why Rachel Mitchell, as you know the answer to the question (as I do)

Let us ask another question we know the answer to.
Why Brett kavanaugh?

or, it is not a criminal trial so why hire a criminal prosecutor?

As Orrin Hatch has been blessed with the magic underwear knowledge that Dr Ford is Nutty and slutty but in a nice flowery better word play. He with all that ordained knowledge is incapable of asking questions to present "HIS" truth?

There is two people named in this, not just the Kavanaugh.
A judge who should be on a side of justice even for his accuser.

One question that comes to mind from Kavanaugh's big pl, able to hide behind the framework set forth by the powerful over the individual citizen in beleif the "he said, she said" kangaroo court will really resolve this and provide the dust for the umpires to make the call for his loyal team?eading choir boy defense. Is he and the entire GOP billionaire Federalist Society hostile take over of our judicial system.
The heart tearing question of, "How does Kavanaugh get his reputation back?

I can only counter with, 2 retorts.
what was your reputation and what is the repubation you project(ed) in your life?
Who does Judge Garland see to get his reputation back.
(I mean, Garland was so bad the GOP majority control would not let that diseased individual even come within voice range.)