Friday, August 24, 2018

Republican Senator Wishes "Americans" Would Step Up And Do Something About All This Nonsense

Yeah, if only Senator Ben Sasse were a member of, say, some elite and powerful branch of  government that had the constitutionally-chartered legislative authority and responsibility to actually do something specific and concrete about this problem, starting with the racist Russian stooge in the White House.

And I do love it when Republicans go all gooey over Lincoln talking  national unity and purpose --

-- and skip right over part where he had to fight a bloody civil war and burn the entire Confederacy to the ground because a mob of white supremacist traitors would...let's did Lincoln put it?
...make war rather than let the nation survive
While the other side would:
...accept war rather than let it perish.
And the war came.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


Unknown said...

I wonder if Sasse is a fan of Titus Andronicus

mcfrank said...

OK. I'll read the rest of the article later (laundry awaits -- such fun!), but first I need to applaud the "Take my wife, please" snark. Very nice and a lot more clever than the run of Pecker jokes I've been coming across today.

Mike R said...

Since Sasse is my senator it was my "privilege?" to listen in to a conference call to his constituents. Senator Sasse kept going on and on about Washington putting on tariffs and interfering with free trade for agriculture. He raved a about Sonny Perdue sec of ag and what a great free trader Perdue was, never once mentioning that he worked for Donnie little fingers. The point to this is that Sasse is a standard republican and he is no better than little fingers himself. Mike R