Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Glenn Greenwald: How to Win Fiends and Influence People

Glenn Greenwald, beloved of The Breitbart Conspiracy Hellpit (no link because fuck 'em):
Glenn Greenwald: CNN Dodging ‘Serious Ethical and Journalistic Questions’ About Lanny Davis Fake News Scandal

Glenn Greenwald, true friend and loyal sidekick to Tucker "Apartheid Now, Apartheid Tomorrow, Apartheid Forever" Carlson. 

And because its my blog and I am beholden to nobody, just for fun, I'll close out once again with the "Brave Sir Robin" quote of the month. 

From the New Yorker profile of Mr. Greenwald and with emphasis added by me:
 Leading American progressives -- speaking off the record, and apologizing for what they describe as cowardice -- call Greenwald a bully and a troll.

Behold, a Tip Jar!


Lawrence said...

The Glenn tweeted recently about Reality Winner, and isn't it terrible what happened to her (it is). And I can't help thinking of an article I read a year or so ago suggesting that he was the person at The Intercept who exposed her to the authorities. Might have been this one.

Neo Tuxedo said...

"o/` Making fiends, making fiends
Glendetta's always making fiends
Making fiends while Rachel makes fri~ends... o/`"

Robt said...

Greenwald should be proud.

He is right in the FOX booking club. A stand by. When Santorum, Newt, Gladys Lipshicks , Phyliss Scnafly, Tony Perkins and the corpse of Ronald Reagan amd the Demon who owns the soul of Cheney .

When they can't get them on, Greenwald is the stand by to fill in the emptiness of the black void.

Think of all the nut bags he reaches when on the FOX.