Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Poe's Law Candidate

Poe's law is an Internet adage which states that, without a clear indicator of the author's intent, parodies of extreme views will, to some readers, be indistinguishable from sincere expressions of the parodied views.

-- Wikipedia

Lying is the Mother Tongue of the GOP.  Conspiracies are its sacred texts.  Strategic Forgettery is its immune system.  Xenophobia are its house-slippers, paranoia its resting state, and slandernuking anyone or anything that gets in its way is another day at the office.

And enabling all of this -- throwing a planet-sized tarp over the whole fascist Conservative fuckpit and telling everyone to look away, look away look away -- is what our Mainstream Media gets paid to do.

And so when the distilled essence of red-meat Conservatism like Trump lumbers out of the Republican id and into first place in their presidential polls -- too big to cover up or explain away and towering over the 15 other Trump-wannabes, all of whom have shown that they are perfectly willing to use Trump tactics to get ahead, and perfectly fine with Trump the man as long as he's endorsing them and cutting checks -- the Mainstream Media and the GOP sound battle stations.

From me back in 2011:
I Am Rich and On TeeVee

And will tell you any batshit lie you want to hear.

And since these are the three traits you screwheads revere above all else, doesn't it make sense to once and for all put this infantile infatuation with democracy behind you and turn your lives, your fortunes and your sacred honor over to me?
Trump is giving their game away by playing their game bigger and louder than any of them can control. He is to our political media what an overnight 10-foot jump in sea-levels worldwide would be to climate change deniers.

He's not a monster: he's just ahead of the curve.

And there is a certain bitter pleasure in watching the Beltway press drowning under the tidal wave of Trumpism which their own bullshit and Both Siderism worked so hard to create.

*Thanks for the multiple catches.  This is what happens when I roll outta bed and bang out a post before coffee and scanning the want ads and job board/


Martin Pollard said...

Driftglass, I love reading your blog, but honestly, I think you really need to sit down and start figuring out how to properly use "it's" and "its." Because this looks ridiculous when you parse out the "it's":

Conspiracies are it is sacred texts. Strategic Forgettery is it is immune system. Xenophobia are it is house-slippers, paranoia it is resting state...

Thus, the straight-A English student hath spoken. :-)

Kevin Holsinger said...

Good morning, Mr. Glass.

If memory serves, Dr. Jekyll had a harder and harder time containing Mr. Hyde near the end.

Anyway, do you think Mr. Trump could go the distance and become the nominee? Because I'm going with the theory that he'll be replaced with a more "respectable" Republican, and this is all a waste of our time. But I've only been following politics since 2002-ish .

Be seeing you.

---Kevin Holsinger

driftglass said...

My theory FWIW is that this is just another real estate deal. Trump has staked out a prime piece of property right in the middle of the GOP. He will sell it once someone offers him the right deal.

Unknown said...

"And enabling all of this -- throwing a planet-sized tarp over the whole fascist Conservative fuckpit and telling everyone to look away, look away look away -- is what our Mainstream Media gets paid to do."

The mainslimers don't know what to do here. You know they just love them some "straight talking", "mavericky", "tell it like it is" GOP Bad Boys. But their think their corporate handler masters are getting a little nervous because Trump has crossed a line and Rethuglicans are now the target of hatred and abuse (it was OK when such abuse was directed to Democrats, particularly the Kenyan Mooooslim Userper).

Media's reaction reminds me of the Johnny Cash classic. Their refrain to the Rethuglican party - "Because you're mine, we walk the line."

dinthebeast said...

Thus spake The Onion in an op-ed "written" by Trump. I find it hilarious and a little sad...

-Doug in Oakland

DonP said...

Not sure if the 10 foot sea level rise line is a tie-in with Dr. Hansen's article this week or not.

Bazzer said...

Hi Driftglass,

I too love the blog. I would like to quote it more often but don't want to have to drop (sic) in there. So, in this line, can you lease remove the unnecessary "the"?
"Xenophobia are its house-slippers, paranoia its resting state, and slandernuking anyone or anything that gets in its way is the another day at the office."

Unknown said...

I am surprised that in seven posts no one has yet to congratulate you on the opening graphic, which is brand new, no? It's one of your absolute best.

Fiddlin Bill said...

Tiresome dickhead corrections of it's/its grammar are an indication that the writer has a comment compulsion and nothing to say.

Re Mr. Trump being actually elected? Probably not until the voter suppression campaign has been more advanced than at present, but with an opponent of Hillary Clinton the situation is more dangerous than people imagine. This country, just like many European countries, does have a fascist problem, and a racist problem. Worse, we have a powerful propaganda "news" network to sell the racist and economic lies every day. Trump can certainly win the Republican nomination against this gaggle of pathetics.

Jimbo said...

Nice touch, Kathleen, for including those phrases from "Dixie". Saw what you did there. As a lifelong, amateur cartoonist, I am a great admirer of Mr. Glass's sense of composition as well as the Photoshop skilz. Anyone can learn Photoshop; it's what images to put together that really counts. That said, The Donald will not get the nomination. As Mr. Glass suggests, he is looking to get something from the RNC. It seems unlikely to be the VP slot so it may be a Cabinet slot in a future Jeb or beady-eyed Walker cabinet. Really don't think he would just walk away with nothing having made such a big splash.