Friday, April 22, 2011

I Am Rich and On TeeVee

And will tell you any batshit lie you want to hear.

And since these are the three traits you screwheads revere above all else, doesn't it make sense to once and for all put this infantile infatuation with democracy behind you and turn your lives, your fortunes and your sacred honor over to me?


Anonymous said...

I'm starting to believe that The Donald is being a good little Republican and purposely running the wheels off the batshit train.


Because whatever shamelessly hateful, destructive, amoral twat the GOP offers up after him will seem normal by comparison, thereby allowing them to shift both conversation and policy even further to the right.

Not that they needed a new puppet for the job; they just needed one who fit the first two qualifications.

chautauqua said...

Dang, I could swear that the Predator was a Dreadlocks kind of ....thing.

prof fate said...

I get that the "Predator" thing is good for a joke, but really, it's an insult to the species: Unlike the Donald, they at least demonstrated a sense of honor.

Trump, though, is really more the Alien chest-buster type: Something shoved down its host's throat to kill it from the inside.

Anonymous said...

Trump, like so many conservative grotesques before him, strikes me as this month's Big! New! Bombastic! Distraction! spouting blatant bullshit to keep their name in the News! The gaping 24/7 News! maw always needs fresh shit to shovel. Because the alternative -- actually talking about issues like rational adults -- is sure ratings and profits death.

Interrobang said...

Good god, that picture nearly made me lose my (very delicious) lunch...

zencomix said...

This is like one of those Francis Bacon paintings of the Pope!