Sunday, September 30, 2012

Willard "Dice" Romney

The Romneybot 9000 tries a funny upgrade.

From "Business Insider":
Believing that the debates will come down to a few key sound-bites, Romney has been memorizing and practicing "a series of zingers" that his team has written for him. Romney has practiced delivering these lines on aides since August.

Hickory Dickory Dock. 
A blind trust was watching my stock.

Friday, September 28, 2012

How Every Todd Akin Staff Meeting Begins

Professional Left Podcast #147 -- UPDATE


“A comic pornographer and a rabble of prostitutes.”  
-- Tom Stoppard, "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead"


UPDATE:  Now with 100% less inexplicably dead air in the first few minutes of the podcast.

Da' money goes here:

Hilariously Oblivious Shit Andrew Sullivan Says, Ctd.

That generation of neocons experienced 1980 as an epiphany.  They keep trying to relive it.
--  Andrew Sullivan, September 27, 2012


People stuck in the 1980s and who carefully misremember their own past in order to skip out on paying the tab for it sure are silly, aren't they?

On a different subject entirely, check out Mr. Sullivan's awesome "Newsweek" cover!


The Gingrich Rules, Ctd

Remain in effect.

Regular readers will already be familiar with the Gingrich Rules to the point of tedium:

In the game of professional punditry there also clearly exists a special set of rules designed with one person on mind.  Or, rather, one sort of person: Conservatism's parade of bomb-throwing, hate-mongering, race-baiting bottom feeders.  That breed which makes their daily bread from grifting the Pig People by generating an endless flood of books, magazine articles, broadcasts, speeches and videos all telling the GOP base over and over again that their bigotries are noble and their paranoia is patriotic. 
Of course, part of the downside of wallowing in the wingnut sewer and trafficking in slander and lies is that, sooner or later, you become a toxic mess.  Your stink becomes unacceptable to the general public, which s where the Sunday morning talk shows -- the Mouse Circus -- comes in.   Because despite having long ago devolved into a sinkhole of Beltway centrist twaddle, it is still viewed by altogether too many people as a bastion of Very Serious people -- it's the strip-mall of political opinion where casual shoppers go to feel smart and validated.

And so a bargain is struck; the bottom feeders deliver a temporary hike in the only thing these show's owners really care about -- audience share -- and, in exchange for being teevee friendly and keeping the worst of their batshit crazy on a leash for a few minutes, their Mouse Circus deburrs the bottom feeders' public image, replates and burnishes their credibility and temporarily transfuses them with Seriousness, which can then be redeemed at ten times its face value back among the Pig People.

And in the key to that bargain we find "The Gingrich Rules":


an agreement that the moderator will never, ever ask the bomb-throwing, hate-mongering, race-baiting goon sitting directly across from them a single question about their bomb-throwing, hate-mongering or race-baiting activities.  Instead they will be represented to the public merely as a Conservative commentator or talk radio host or pundit who, at worst, might be known for some "controversial" opinions, which the moderator will never bother to explicate.  *

This week -- fulfilling the darkest predictions of Mayan priests of prophecy -- the Definer Of Civilization's Rules And Leader (Perhaps) Of The Civilizing Forces) and will manifest himself on the physical plane long enough to have his professional reputation cleaned, blocked, deburred and re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-rehabilitated,       this time by Grandpa Bob Schieffer on his #1 Very Best Public Affairs Program For Television Viewing.



*Thanks for the catches, Eric

Thursday, September 27, 2012

I Told Them Not To Say "Welfare" Again

But did they listen?


So now they've gone and done it.

Not Enough Cowbells

On Earth

The Prim Reaper

The bony, invisible hand of the market wants our nuclear launch codes.

Mr. Charles Pierce Celebrates His Blogiversary

He has been blogging with sharp objects under the "Esquire" banner for one year now and wanted to thank some of those who made straight the way:
It has been brought to my attention by the landlords that, one year ago today, the blog debuted in this space to the roaring cheers of several. I had absolutely no idea where it was headed, or what it was going to do when it got there. I first would like to thank all of the People Who Went Before, whose work I read for years before setting up this pop stand, and whose freedom to say what they wanted I deeply envied. These most especially included DigbyThe Great Blue MarbleJosh MarshallSteve M.the LG&M crew, and the redoubtably basset-bound Mr. Bogg, here represented by the funniest thing ever to appear on the Intertoobz. There are dozens of others I picked up along the way — see the blogroll down on the right for details — but these were the first ones I regularly read.
Congratulations, Mr. Pierce. The world changes so fast 

and banging it out five days a week as well as you do is a tough beat.

Getting Out The Vote

 Now in Technicolor!

Let The Humanizing Begin!

A G.O.P. Reunion, With Plans for More Togetherness 
VANDALIA, Ohio — For the first time in almost a month, Mitt Romney reunited on Tuesday with the man who many Republicans thought would charge up the presidential campaign: Representative Paul D. Ryan, the charismatic PowerPoint-wielder who can draw thousands to rallies that are really mostly giant question-and-answer sessions where they can ask “Paul,” in effect, how to save the party, and the country. 
The question now is whether Mr. Ryan, Mr. Romney’s vice-presidential running mate, can save his own ticket.

I, for one, look forward to that final, 48 hour, adrenaline-tweaked pre-election sprint when the final polls are in the hands of both candidates, the losing staff begins leaking like the Deepwater Horizon, huge, failing campaign engines seize up and gears start flying in every direction.

Until then, regardless of the staggering mountain of evidence to contrary, the plutocrat party line will continue to be that the Romneybot 9000 has never made a mistake or distorted information and remains, by any practical definition of the words, foolproof and incapable of error.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Poor Candidate Deadmeat

He will have been missed.

Harlan Ellison with Beard Added


Because I have a blog, and sometimes I do Photoshop five-finger exercises just because they amuse me.

Now, off to catch up on writing "Thank You" notes.

Hilariously Oblivious Shit Andrew Sullivan Says, Ctd.

I remain staggered that someone who is such a partisan operator, poisonous propagandist and supporter of war crimes (if America commits them) was rewarded in the Washington village with a sinecure at the WaPo.
--  Andrew Sullivan, September 26, 2012

Mr. Sullivan remains fearlessly willing to put anyone's career history on trial.

Except his own.

And his friends'.

And anyone he is buttering up this week.

We join Rosencrantz and Guildenstern as they are about to be hanged:

Rosencrantz: That's it then, is it? We've done nothing wrong. We didn't harm anybody, did we? 

Guildenstern: I can't remember. 

Rosencrantz: All right, then. I don't care. I've had enough. To tell you the truth, I'm relieved. 

Guildenstern: There must have been a moment at the beginning, where we could have said no. Somehow we missed it. Well, we'll know better next time. 

The Player: Till then. 

At Some Point

One more

is one too many (video may be be preceded by ad.)

But when someone is tripping over their dick this hard every single day

you would be hard pressed to figure out just which one was the tipping point.

Half-Fox and Half-Free

Looks like it's time to hoist this one of the middle of 2010 and bring it back to the front page.

Because looking at the eye-melting madness that now runs freely and openly through the Right and the jaw-dropping "Both Sides Do It" denialism that continues to infest most of our media from top to bottom, it has never been more obviously true that we as a nation cannot endure permanently half-Fox and half-free.

Our New Liberal Anthem:

The Magnetic Fields -- "You must be out of your mind"


You think I'll run-not-walk to you?

Why would I want to talk to you?

I want you crawling back to me
down on your knees


Like an appendectomy

sans anesthesia

If you think you can leave the past behind

You must be out of your mind

If you think you can simply press rewind
You must be out of your mind, son
You must be out of your mind

You want what you turned off, turned on

You call it sunset, now it's dawn

You can't go 'round just saying stuff
because it's pretty

And I no longer drink enough
to think you're witty

If you think you can leave the past behind
You must be out of your mind
if you think you can simply press rewind
You must be out of your mind, son
You must be out of your mind

You want to kindle that old flame

I don't remember your real name

It must be something scandalous
Lurks in your shadows
If you need a Santa Claus

To buy your gallows

If you think you can leave the past behind

You must be out of your mind

If you think you can simply press rewind
You must be out of your mind, son
You must be out of your mind

You must be out of your mind, son
You must be out of your mind.

I first heard this song today and knew I had to move quickly, before that speedy bastid Andy Cobb turned the concept into an award-winning short film with Will Ferrell, James Caan, Bob Balaban, Brent Spiner, Jorja Fox, Ben Gazzara, Dame Judi Dench, Naveen Andrews, Luke Wilson, Bruce Boxleitner, Winona Ryder, Thandie Newton and Andy Dick.

In Which I Just Start Re-posting Paul Krugman, Ctd.

The Shrill One, continues covering themes which regular readers will find very familiar by now:


Look, I know wonks. Ryan is not a wonk. Yes, he likes charts and slides. But he very clearly doesn’t know what his numbers actually mean. When the famous plan was unveiled, it was quite clear that he never even realized that the Heritage projection of his plan’s impact made a completely ridiculous assertion about what would happen to unemployment. Nor did he realize that his assumptions about discretionary spending would require cutting such spending — including defense! — to levels not seen since Calvin Coolidge.

One question one might ask is whether Ryan is aware that he isn’t actually a wonk, that he just plays one on TV. Maybe not; some of what he says suggests the Dunning-Kruger effect at work,: he may be so innumerate that he doesn’t realize that he has no idea what the numbers he throws around mean. And after all, why would he, given all the praise he’s received for putting up a line graph or pie chart here and there?
As we all know, the Beltway Hack Full Employment And Mutual Protection Act of 1988 clearly states that at no time shall the received wisdom of the Deans of American Political Opinions ever be directly confronted or challenged.

So as long as the mental toddlers who choke-hold our media continue to be dazzled by Paul Ryan's meaningless, shiny flapdoodle, they will continue to let him call himself a wonk or a wizard or a necromancer or whatever else he wants.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

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By the black magic of his name...

From Balloon Juice
The Last Four Years in One Quote

In an otherwise innocuous story about the new calorie labeling at MacDonalds, Dick Nigon of Sterling, VA is every Republican:

I did find one customer who had noticed the calorie labels: Dick Nigon of Sterling, Va. He and his wife, Lea, had stopped by McDonald’s after seeing an exhibit at the Renwick Gallery. Dick had ordered for the couple, noticed the calorie labels and liked them.

“I like that you have the information before you order,” he told me, when I asked about the labels. “It’s better than some kind of government health mandate in Obamacare.”

I told him that the calorie labels were, in fact, a government health mandate in Obamacare.

“Well that changes things a bit,” he responded. “I thought this was more of a voluntary sort of thing. Now I’m not quite sure how I feel about it.”

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The 1001 Burkean Nights of David Brooks -- UPDATE


University of Chicago history baccalaureate David "Even David Brooks" Brooks has written a genuinely remarkable and revealing column about the rise and fall of American Conservatism.

What makes it remarkable and revealing it is not its scholarly depth or historical breadth or scathing, confessional honesty, but rather that it is a work of almost pure fiction being passed off as fact in America's Newspaper of Record

In his fairy tale, Mr. Brooks describes and eulogizes a fictional Conservatism built from a tense but harmonious fusion between what Mr. Brooks refers to as "economic conservatives" and "traditional conservatives" -- 
The economic conservatives were in charge of the daring ventures that produced economic growth. The traditionalists were in charge of establishing the secure base — a society in which families are intact, self-discipline is the rule, children are secure and government provides a subtle hand.
-- that never existed in the real world...

...whereas the real American Conservatism that has blighted this land for +30 years -- the Conservatism  of Jerry Falwell, Paul Weyrich, Phyllis Schlafly, Newt Gingrich, Lee Atwater and the Southern Strategy -- is to be found nowhere at all in Mr. Brooks' telling.


Remarkable that the Neoconservative and the fundamentalist Christian conservative and the bigot conservative have all been completely unpersoned from David Brooks' imaginary history of a movement to which he has devoted his life. you remember that political party which spent the last three years obsessively obstructing the Obama Administration?  And fetishizing Barack Obama's birth certificate, ACORN, Saul Ailinsky and the Kenyan Usurper's secret plans to turn the country over to an army of welfare cheats? And wrecking the nation's bond rating?  And passing more meaningless, brutal anti-woman , anti-choice legislation than any other nine Congresses in history?  And cooking up laws requiring plastic punishment probes be shoved up women's vaginae?  And loudly declaiming their medieval ideas about rape and birth control very loudly?

Remember them?

In Mr. Brooks' "1001 Burkean Nights" those people simply do not exist.  

(UPDATE:  Even as I struggle to maintain my secret identity as a reporter for a major metropolitan news magazine, sometimes I still just cannot stop myself from agreeing with me:
Up there on the left, that's Harry Dent, Sr. He was a conservative political strategist of the 1960's and 1970's. He worked for, among other people, the famous wandering and miscegenating penis, Strom Thurmond, and for Richard M. Nixon, who, back then, was not yet history's yard waste. While working for the latter, Dent devised what has become known as the "Southern strategy," by which he attached the Republican Party to the rising white counter-assault on the gains of the civil-rights movement, and to modern American conservatism, which already had done so, largely through the efforts of William F. Buckley and the National Review crowd. Dent begat Lee Atwater, who begat Karl Rove. In today's column in The New York Times, in which he traces the current paradox of modern American conservatism, David Brooks mysteriously overlooks all the hard work Harry Dent and his acolytes did in making sure that conservatism could count on the backing of the supporters of American apartheid.)

Instead, Mr. Brooks' fictional history describes a long, twilight struggle exclusively between  two and only two factions:  striving "economic conservatives" and genteel, communitarian "traditional conservatives".  According to Mr. Brooks, market conservatism carried the day and now completely dominating the conversation every time a group of Republicans gather together in Saint Reagan's name:
These days, speakers at Republican gatherings almost always use the language of market conservatism — getting government off our backs, enhancing economic freedom. Even Mitt Romney, who subscribes to a faith that knows a lot about social capital, relies exclusively on the language of market conservatism.
In other words, Mr. Brooks has spun another great, sprawling Technicolor lie.  A lie as glaring as Las Vegas at night and big enough to be visible from orbit.  A lie as easily debunked as any email from Crazy Uncle Liberty, which nonetheless is, even now, being celebrated as sensible and serious by all the right people and passing into the common lore of "Whither Conservatism?"

And it is in the very fact of this lie -- in the smug contempt for reality with which Mr. Brooks executes it -- that we find Mr. Brooks at his most genuinely Conservative.  Because when you strip people who call themselves Conservatives down to their basic wiring, you will find only three things that have been nearly universally true of all of them over the last +30 years:
  • They lie constantly about their own past.   They never supported Bush.  They never thought Clinton should be impeached.  There never was a budget surplus. And so on.  Or, conversely, there were WMD in Iraq.  Bush was a great president.  History began on January 20, 2009.  And so on.  They are junkie-dependent on massive doses of Strategic Forgettery to keep from facing the ugly reality of their real pasts:
There is absolutely nothing left sifting around inside their mushy, angry skulls except that sparkly aluminum sand that good people at Ohio Arts use to make the Etch-a-Sketch.  
Shake-shake-shake...and Ronald Reagan never sold weapons to terrorists, funded an illegal war, raised taxes four times, or left behind the largest deficit in American history up until that time.

Shake-shake-shake...and Bush the Elder never hired Lee Atwater.

Shake-shake-shake...and what Southern Strategy? 
Shake-shake-shake...and George W. Bush is the Greatest President Ever, you filthy, Liberal traitors!

Shake-shake-shake...and where did you ever get the idea that anyone in the Conservative Movement supported that "Progressive" George W. Bush?

Shake-shake-shake...George Bush who?

Shake-shake-shake...Sarah Palin never supported the bailout!

Shake-shake-shake...Deficits don't matter.

Shake-shake-shake...Deficits are worse than six Hitlers!

Shake-shake-shake...the Kenyan Usurper's deficits are destroying America.

Shake-shake-shake...why do you keep calling me a "Republican"? I'm a Conservative!

Shake-shake-shake...why do you keep calling me a "Conservative"? I'm an Independent!

Shake-shake-shake...why do you keep calling me a "Independent"? I'm a Independent/Conservo/Libertarian!
  • They lie constantly about Liberals.  To prop up their bullshit fantasies, the need an internal enemy to blame for their every ache and bunion.  Since they cannot admit that is their own ideology and their own trusted leaders who have played them for chumps and sold them out (see Rule 1), every one of them -- from David Brooks to the lowliest shoutycracker drunk in the dingiest bar in Sisterfuck, Arkansas -- make up as many imaginary Liberal monsters as needed, and then dresses them Mr. Potatohead-fashion in whatever imaginary crimes and opinions are needed to suit the occasion (From "Hating Goldstein"):
Of course, outside of the Beltway Bell Jar there still exists a group called "Liberals": a group that has repeatedly tried to warn that this day was coming. 
Tried and failed. Again and again. For years and years. 
Which is why the entire system depends on Hating Goldstein. Because the whole filthy enterprise would fall apart if these God Fearing Patriots of the Right were ever forced to stop for even a moment and submit to an honest accounting of who has been right and who as has been wrong for the last generation or two. 
Neither the Right nor the Center could not survive such a Moment of Clarity, which is why so much of propaganda from both quarters is singularly devoted to Hating Liberals; why, especially in Conservative media outlets, such an enormous amount of energy is spent every single day ruthlessly and continuously marginalizing and demonizing opponents, using every name in the book from Commie to Terrorist-lover to Fifth Columnist. 
Hating Goldstein has also proven to be an extraordinarily profitable business: a bottomless ATM machine for everyone from Andrew Sullivan and David Frum, to Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck, to a thousand other, lesser-lights who could never have made a living pulling an honest plow, but have managed to build very fine careers on punching hippies, pandering to swine and worshiping Reagan on cue.

  • They are always the heroes of their own Reagan Fan Fiction.  From David Brooks to Andrew Sullivan to Rush Limbaugh to the aforementioned lowliest shoutycracker drunk in the dingiest bar in Sisterfuck, Arkansas, each believes that they and they alone have navigated the labyrinth of the Liberal Media Minotaur (Tip for travelers: the secret is, just follow your GOP Onstar and no matter what happens, keep turning right -- 
GOP OnStar: May I help you? 
Citizen: Oh thank God. This car just came...came...plunging out of the sky right in front of me. It’s on fire and I think there are people trapped inside. 
GOP OnStar: Turn right immediately.  
Citizen: But...but, I said that I think there are people trapped inside. 
GOP OnStar: Yes, sir. I heard you. Are you a doctor? 
Citizen: No.

GOP OnStar: Well then don’t worry; someone will be along shortly to take care of it. We suspect...terrorists...are behind it, so you need to leave. Immediately.

Citizen: Terrorists? Really?

GOP OnStar: Yes sir.

Citizen: Ok, well I was trying to find a my way to a rational position on Iraq, and...

GOP OnStar: Turn right immediately.

Citizen (continuing): ...I got lost.

GOP OnStar: Turn right immediately.

Citizen: I’m also running a little low on gas, so I’ll need a good energy polic...

GOP OnStar: Turn right immediately.

Citizen: ...y.

GOP OnStar: Turn right immediately.

Citizen: It’s also getting pretty hot in here, so if you could tell me where I could find a scientifically sound environmental plan too.

GOP OnStar: Turn right immediately.

Citizen: Are you sure?

GOP OnStar: Keep turning right.   
Each is certain that and they alone have pulled the mighty Sword of St. Ronald from the Stone of History.   
Each is certain that they had they alone have been commissioned by God (or the New York Times) to defend of the One, True Conservative Faith.   
And each wishes LOUDLY that all those other schismatic pretenders and posers and frauds and anti-popes would quit fucking their real Conservatism all up.
When combined, these three simple elements -- lying about themselves, lying about Liberals and impregnable narcissism -- interact to create virtually all of American Conservatism.

But what about Liberals, you ask?

Well, we, too have our own traditions (from five years ago):

Here, in our little village of Left Blogistan,
you might say
every one of us is a blogger on the cuff.

Trying to scratch out a pleasant, simple post
without going broke.

It isn't easy.

You may ask,
why do we keep doing it
if it's so non-remuneratalicious?

Well, we stay because
Blogging is our passion.

And how do we keep our balance?

That I can tell you in one word!


(Click to play, and to sing along. Loud. Because you know you want to :-)
Because of our traditions,
we've kept our balance for many, many years.

Here in Left Blogistan,
we have traditions for everything.

How to do a round-up.

Cat blogging.


"What Digby Said."

For instance, we always keep the the shit they sling in the MSM covered, and always display a little blogroll.

This shows our constant devotion to Kos.

You may ask, how did this tradition get started?

I'll tell you.

I don't know.

But it's a tradition.

And because of our traditions, every one of us knows who he is and what Kos expects him to do.

Who, day and night, must scramble for a living
Feed a wife and children
on six words per post?

And who has the right as master of the A-List
To let the least yield the most?
The papa
The papa

The papa
The papa

Who must know the way to run a proper blog
A quiet blog
A kosher blog?

Who must wham down trolls and run the blog
So Papa's free to read the Holy Book?
The mama
The mama

The mama
The mama

At three I started commenting
At ten I launched a blog

I hear they picked a niche for me
I hope
it's chatty.

And who does Mama have
To help her RSS?
Preparing her to link-love
Or post up as Guest?

The daughters
The daughters


The papa...



The daughters

And in the circle of our little village,
we've always had our special types.

For instance,

Blue Gal, the matchmaker,

NTodd, the beggar.

And, most important of all, our beloved Digby.
Digby, may I ask you a question?

Certainly, little blogger.

Is there a proper blessing... for Dick Cheney?

A blessing for Dick Cheney?
Of course.
May God bless and keep Dick Cheney
The fuck away from us!
Then there are the others in our village.
They make a much bigger circle.

We don't bother (some of) them
and so far, they don't bother (most of) us.

And among ourselves,
we always get along perfectly well.

Of course, there was the time when he de-listed him
And told him it was just business
When it was really just snobbery.
But now it's all over.
And we all live in simple peace and harmony.
(It really was snobbery.)
(No it wasn't. Blogrolls don't drive traffic!)
(It's not about traffic. It’s about respect!!)
It was...


Dai dai
Dai dai dai
Dai dai dai dum

Traditions, traditions.
Without our traditions,

our lives would be as shaky as


As Rudy at the Apollo!