Sunday, September 30, 2012

Willard "Dice" Romney

The Romneybot 9000 tries a funny upgrade.

From "Business Insider":
Believing that the debates will come down to a few key sound-bites, Romney has been memorizing and practicing "a series of zingers" that his team has written for him. Romney has practiced delivering these lines on aides since August.

Hickory Dickory Dock. 
A blind trust was watching my stock.


Tengrain said...

I'm a humorless prick."



ScarabusRedivivus said...

Tengrain said *what*?

Tengrain said...

I'm a humorless prick."

Tengrain, you are neither!

∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

Kidding aside, let's try to imagine some of the "zingers" Team Romney has come up with.

Pinkamena Panic said...

Balloon Juice is already taking stabs at what the "zingers" will be. Probably the same RWNJ dogwhistles we're used to.

Unknown said...

"Dere wuz an old woman, she lived in a shoe - she had so many children, the Librulz threw 'em all in a FEMA camp, ohh!"

Mentioner said...

Oh, please let the entire debate be filled with "and then I told him, leading from behind sounded like following!"

Unknown said...

"Larry, Larry, quite contrary, ya can't get married if you're a fairy, ohh!"

Kathy said...

"There you go again" and "There you go AGAIN!"

marindenver said...

Watching the debates with some friends. We are making up bingo cards - expected *zingers* plus boringly over repeated platitudes. Winner gets something I'm sure!!!

Capt. Bat Guano said...

"Well that may be true Mr. President but at least I'm not the product of miscegenation." Rimshot!

"Speaking of brown loafers how's your Kenyan father doing?"

Unknown said...

So I'm standing in line at the bank.... I've got my tongue up Grover Nordquists a$$

Kaye said...

Marindenver, do a bingo square each for"Freedom!", "socialism", and "our children and grandchildren"

I hope he uses the zinger, "that's what SHE said!"

Frank Stone said...

Knowing Mittens' relationship with comedy, he'll outline some dire prediction about how Obama will destroy America and then add the words "in bed". 'Cuz, y'know, that works for fortune cookie messages.