Friday, September 28, 2012

Hilariously Oblivious Shit Andrew Sullivan Says, Ctd.

That generation of neocons experienced 1980 as an epiphany.  They keep trying to relive it.
--  Andrew Sullivan, September 27, 2012


People stuck in the 1980s and who carefully misremember their own past in order to skip out on paying the tab for it sure are silly, aren't they?

On a different subject entirely, check out Mr. Sullivan's awesome "Newsweek" cover!



Lawrence said...

Has anyone else looked at the 7-11 coffee cup polling results? I live in Phoenix, and on the once every 5 years I go into a convienience store I feel wierd because I'm 43 and I have an office job. Everyone else is under 30 and works in construction or landscaping. The poll map is nearly solid blue. Arizona, Texas, Florida, Virginia, all blue. Surprising.

Unknown said...

Yes, Lawrence! I just went to the "7-Election" website, lots of blue on that map! No surprise that Snobs-dale is the only pro-Romney Valley city, amirite?