Tuesday, October 16, 2012

My Only Advice to POTUS

David Gregory is a corporatist hack.

David Broger Broder was a garrulous old fraud.  *

And David Brooks is not your friend.

Please stop trying to please these people. 

*Thanks to everyone who caught this and pointed it out.
Twas late and I was tired :-)


Swede said...

What if president " cant evolve past his reflexive need to compromise ", rewording driftglass, shows up? That would be interesting.

d12345 said...

Yes....absolutely right!!!

One note....Broder.

Unknown said...

I think our POTUS might have a bit in common with people in my own life who I have mentioned here before: He just doesn't believe people are actually the assholes they appear to be. He thinks too well of us. Sigh.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I don't believe he cares much about the Beltway gasbags.

The Wall Street bankers, on the other hand...

Kaye said...

I read the New York Magazine piece about what a Romney administration would look like versus the next Obama administration: Obama is not as bad as those on the left fear so I think he'll get through this, but Romney is a total d**k. I won't watch tonight because a) I already voted anyway, b) I have to work, and c) I can not listen to Romney's BS anymore, it is the aural equivalent of ipecac.

Richard Taylor said...