Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Run Like Hell

So what to do you if you're Ross Douthat, the New York Time's backup auxiliary, Conservative hack?

What to do if you write bad columns that intelligent people laugh at, line cat boxes with and then forget about?  What to do if you spend your hollow hours between writing bad columns waiting for David Brooks to fall to his death from a pile of his press clippings so you can ascend the throne?

What to do you if you're Ross Douthat and then, one fine day, right out of the blue, that flimsy duck blind behind which your movement has been hiding its bigotry and depravity for decades is suddenly incinerated before your eyes? What to do if you are Ross Douthat and all at once Willard Romney's Hot Mic Death Ray leaves you nothing to camouflage your bullshit but aglets and zippers and a couple of Goldwater campaign buttons?

You run.


You run, run, run as fast as your little legs will carry you for the sheltering harbor that has long protected millions of Conservatives from the humiliation of being wrong all the time about everything.

You run for that last, stout refuge of the craven "independent" and the wingnut scoundrel.





for the impregnable bunker of the Big Lie of Centrism.

Our Revolting Elites


What these comments definitely tell us, though, is what Mitt Romney, master consultant, feels his “clients” in the Republican donor base want to be told about this election and what will inspire them to dig deep and give freely to his cause. Assuming those instincts are correct, his comments help illuminate the way many well-off Americans feel about their less-fortunate fellow countrymen – and it isn’t a pretty thing to see.

As many people have pointed out, Romney’s comments are a right-wing echo to what was previously the most famous leak from a fundraising event: Barack Obama’s remarks...

In both cases, a presidential candidate ...

For rich Republicans, the stereotype is all about the money...

For rich Democrats, the stereotype is all about the culture wars...

For Republicans, the dystopia is (inevitably) “Atlas Shrugged.” For liberals, it’s one part “Turner Diaries,” one part “Handmaid’s Tale.”...

What does it say about our culture that the people funding presidential campaigns on both sides of the aisle seem to regard their downscale fellow countrymen as a kind of alien race, to be feared and condescended to in equal measure?

What does it say that rich Republicans are unable to entertain the possibility...
What does it say that rich Democrats can’t fathom why working class Americans might look askance at an elite...
The current American story is one of polarization, with the two major parties sealed into their respective ideological bunkers, and stratification...

Both the right and left have provocative intellectual takes on how this new world came to be...

To be perfectly fair, Young Master Douthat does mention in passing that "The way Obama and Romney employed these stereotypes are not actually equivalent"...

...just before he jettisons that fact completely and moves right along with his Fake Centrist thesis.

Fake Centrism is the biggest single lie in the American media today. And once you start to look for it, you find it everywhere

(Also, Jesus, Mary, Strunk and White, it's "The Handmaid's Tale" and "The Turner Diaries" you dim little man.)


jomike said...

The big lie, everywhere... yes.

The mood music you selected for this post brings to mind another bit of dystopic Pink Floyd genius:

Big man, pig man, ha ha, charade you are
You well heeled big wheel, ha ha, charade you are
And when your hand is on your heart
You're nearly a good laugh
Almost a joker
With your head down in the pig bin
Saying "keep on digging"
Pig stain on your fat chin
What do you hope to find?
When you're down in the pig mine
You're nearly a laugh
You're nearly a laugh
But you're really a cry.

Anonymous said...

I love you, driftglass!

marindenver said...

" Romney has built his career, in business and in politics, on telling people what they want to hear in order to persuade them to let him manage their affairs. This is a man who tried to get to the left of Ted Kennedy in their 1994 Senate race and to the right of Rick Perry in 2012."

This is the only true thing that Douchehat said in that whole jumble of words and fake centrimagasm. He should have quit while he was ahead.

D. said...

To continue the theme: After reading Mr. Douthat,

there'll be no more [Aaaaaaaaaa-aahh]/
but you may feel a little sick.

Thank you (for reading that punk so that I don't have to)!

Anonymous said...

In Obamaland, rural whites cling to guns and god because they feel betrayed ... and they have been betrayed ... but Obama still wants his campaign workers to reach out to them because some of them might vote for him.
In Romneyland,the47% are professional victims, mooches and cheats who refuse to take responsibility for their own lives. These people,clearly lacking in Republican ideals, will never vote for Mitt Romney, so it's fair to ignore them despite the fact that many will vote for a Republican.
How much does Ross Douhat get paid to not understand that these positions are not the same?

Anonymous said...

"How much does Ross Douhat get paid[?]..."

He's probably middle class, right? You know, $200,000 to $250,000 per year. Small potatoes.