Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Paul Ryan Prepares to Slip Into

"Atlas Shrugged II:  Death to Moochie" unnoticed.


Anonymous said...

I still remember my mother, my dear, sweet mother who tries to be a good Christian, when I brought up watching the movie "Atlas Shrugged" (which was a flaming pile of shit), said, "I read some of her books in college. That woman was a *selfish* *BITCH*!" I can't remember another time my mom said something about another person like she was spitting venom at them. My mom usually takes a "it's a shame they're so ignorant" attitude, but I was really struck breathless by her viciousness to Rand.

Of course, I agree with her completely. And, when I told an aunt "you won't believe what mom said!!!...", my aunt's reply was, "That's why I've always loved and respected your mother so much!"

I was just commenting on your wonderful wife's blog (go tell her she's wonderful), that I don't think Ryan's "Death to Old People!" plan will have the affect in Florida we hope for, though. Obama is black, and Fox says Democrats hate America. It will likely suppress turnout a bit, but not convert many voters.


Anonymous said...

Here's a little something I whipped up . It's my first one. Use as you please. And if you do, please be so kind as to credit, Mr. IHeartSkyWizards.

I love your work and this is really just an homage to the great and vicious Photochops you've committed on people deserving of much worse than having some of their pixels rearranged.

Thanks for your words, images and analysis! It is sorely needed and appreciated.

Mr. IHeartSkyWizards