Sunday, July 15, 2012

Listen Up You Ignorant Meatbags

There is one set of rules for rich people.
There is another set of rules for ignorant meatbags.
This is how capitalism works.
This is how America works.
Fucking deal with it.

-- #1 on Willard Romney's list of things he wishes he  
could just finally say out loud and be done with it.


D. said...

But if he tells people that, he won't get elected, and the conservatives will be stuck with four more years of having to pretend to the people (spoken in best Leona Helmsly imitation) that they have any interest at all in them as anything but cannon fodder and breeders!

O tempura! O morels!

tmk said...

...I can guarantee you, he would =not= like the way that I would deal with it. It Would Not Be Pretty.

To quote Larson's sheep: "...Right. On 3, we turn carnivorous."

Cirze said...

Oh, but he will.

The problem will be that his syntax and attention to descriptive detail will be so inept (or obtuse, what have you) that most of the audience will change channels before comprehending his message.

And that's tooooo bad.

For them.

Love you guys!


vera lynn said...

Why is this reminding me of Leona Helmsly? Only little people pay taxes? Same ole same ole

jurassicpork said...

On the campaign trail, no one can hear you lie.