Thursday, May 24, 2012

Always. Be. Closing. Newspapers. -- UPDATE

Consider this exchange between Aaronow and Moss from David Mamet's "Glengarry Glan Ross" (1984):

It's not right. AARONOW It's not. MOSS No. Pause. AARONOW And it's not right to the customers. MOSS I know it's not. I'll tell you, you got, you know, you got...what did I learn as a kid on Western? Don't sell a guy one car. Sell him five cars over fifteen years. AARONOW That's right? MOSS Eh...? AARONOW That's right? MOSS Goddamn right, that's right. Guys come on: "Oh, the blah blah blah, I know what I'll do: I'll go in and rob everyone blind and go to Argentina cause nobody ever thought of this before." AARONOW ...that's right... MOSS Eh? AARONOW No. That's absolutely right. MOSS And so they kill the goose. I, I, I'll...and a fuckin' man, worked all his life has got to... AARONOW ...that's right... MOSS ...cower in his boots... AARONOW (simultaneously with "boots") Shoes, boots, yes... MOSS For some fuckin' "Sell ten thousand and you win the steak knives..." AARONOW For some sales pro... MOSS ...sales promotion, "You lose, then we fire your..." No. It's medieval... it's wrong. "Or we're going to fire your ass." It's wrong. AARONOW Yes. MOSS Yes, it is. And you know who's responsible? AARONOW Who? MOSS You know who it is. It's Mitch. And Murray. 'Cause it doesn't have to be this way.

And then go check out Athenae's report on the death of journalism:
I do not get it anymore. I used to think this was just about money, and while newspapers make money they don't make ENOUGH money, but what's happening to the Times-Pic is destroying something that made unexpected amounts of money last year, so someone please explain to me why you'd want to mess with that.

over at First Draft.

It does not have to be this way.

And yet, somehow, it is.

UPDATE:  Given commenter Rock Dots' superior alternative, I simply had to change the title of this post.


RockDots said...


Always. Be. Closing. Newspapers.

Jado said...

News paper reporters have this disturbing tendency to want evidence and facts for their stories. I mean, I'm not talking management - they know what side their bread is buttered on for the most part. But the beat reporters...they just don't get the narrative. And what is the point of having a megaphone if it doesn't say what you want it to say...