Saturday, April 07, 2012

'Tis The Season

 A merry Chag Sameach and Christ is Risen to one and all.


BlindRobin said...

made my Pesach... said the ScottishIrishGermanItalianExSomwhatJewishCommitedAteist.

blackdaug said...

I watch the actual movie every year..because frankly it is comedy gold! The dialogue of the whole movie is so heavy and cheese filled, it is hard to believe the entire script wasn't written with tongue firmly implanted in cheek.
The hour or so after Heston comes back to start ragging on Pharaoh, every time he speaks there is someone in the crowd yelling "stone him"!! Python had to have been inspired it...
...and poor Edward G. Robinson having to recite those ham-laden lines, you can almost hear the disgust in his voice.
The much vaunted special effects in the parting of the red sea, are especially funny. Demille had all of these animals that would not take direction..there are hundreds of these surprised looking ducks freaking out everywhere..and when the sea swallows up Pharaohs army..they are milling around waiting for it!!
One of the few movies that can consistently make me laugh out loud!