Monday, April 02, 2012

Those "Strapping Young Bucks"

And their

welfare "T-Bone Steaks".

Or aren't you old enough to remember when St. Ronald Reagan ran for President by warning America of this insidious danger?


Fearguth said...

Just for you, Drifty:

Grung_e_Gene said...

How do we know, the legal and moral experts at the Blaze retort, that Martin wasn't a murdering arsonist bent upon kidnapping someone?

The same way we don't know whether or not Dick Cheney called Daddy Zimmerman and ordered him to send out his son to shoot Trayvon Martin so his heart could be harvested for implantation into the gaping hole in dick Cheney's soul...

Jack said...

I have to ask: I always hear people on our side use the term "strapping young bucks" as a sarcastic reference to the way conservatives refer to blacks. But where does this term come from? What's the origin of the expression?

And please, don't yell at me for not googling it; I don't have google on this computer. ;-)

Jack said...

"Strapping young bucks" almost sounds more like something a lusty woman would say while drooling over the specimens than something a racist would say. "Strapping" means "powerfully built." I.e., it's a compliment, a flattering thing to say. "Young," of course, is a compliment in our youth obsessed and youth-worshipping culture. "Buck," of course, is an epithet for black men, but it seems the work this word has to do to convey the racist's animus is significantly diluted by pairing it with two complimentary words - strapping and young.

Even Urban Dictionary is confused:

"A young, good-looking, and rather hot example of the male species who appears before the eyes of a lustful older woman."

But, here's a clue. Also from Urban Dictionary:

From a 1976 speech by Ronald Reagan, who complained of "strapping young bucks" using public assistance to buy T-Bone steaks, the phrase is shorthand for "undeserving and lazy black people living off hardworking white taxpayers instead of getting a job." Many commentators have noted that the phrase originated from the auction block. Now used ironically by liberal commentators to identify racist dog-whistles in conservative argument.
"Whereas once the problem was just welfare queens and strapping young bucks, now it’s the entire middle and lower classes, the lazy union members, the credit card deadbeats, the unemployed so content with their benefits that they don’t look for work."

'We Are All Strapping Young Bucks Now'
Doug J. _Balloon Juice_ January 6, 2011


Anyway, fuck conservatives, fuck Republcians, fuck racists, fuck libertarians, and fuck the five fascists on the Supreme Court.

Jack said...

Oh Jesus H. Christ, I picked a hell of a day to start asking questions about "strapping young buck." Now I click Drifty's link to the K-Thug piece and, low and behold, it explains the origin of the term...


Hey, at least I got to practice my typing!