And it would never stop being as current as today's headlines.
O'Reilly: NBC, Media Inciting Racial Violence
Friday, 30 Mar 2012 09:40 PM
Fox News commentator Bill O’Reilly lambasted the media Friday night, singling out MSNBC and CNN, saying the media "is exploiting the terrible death of 17-year-old Trayvon by convicting the man who shot him, George Zimmerman, of wrongdoing on television."
O'Reilly said that in his more than 30 years in journalism he had not seen such reprehensible press coverage, and singled out MSNBC and parent network NBC for drumming up racial tensions for ratings. O'Reilly such media malfeasance could lead to serious violence.
Yes, this is the very same Bill O'Reilly who made a cottage industry out of repeating "Tiller the baby-killer"
on his nationally syndicated teevee and radio shows until one of Murrica's millions of God-fearin', gun-slingin' Christopaths got around to murdering Dr. Tiller in the name of the Prince of Peace.
Which is probably why O'Reilly's blame-the-Left tantrum after the assassination of Dr. Tiller:
"It is clear that the far-left is exploiting, exploiting, the death of the doctor. Those individuals want to stifle any criticism of Tiller. That and hating Fox News is the real agenda here..."sounds so eerily similar to O'Reilly's blame-the-Left tantrum regarding the lynching of Trayvon Martin.
They will never stop being this way.
They will only get louder and louder and louder.
"They will only get louder and louder and louder"
That's a fact. We can't get this back! We'll continue down hill accelerating and will crash and burn soon.
Reminds me, I've got this in storage from back in 2009:
Really really REALLY hoping I have no occasion to retrieve it & use it again.
Republican Congressmen demanded Bobby Rush take off his hood when speaking on the house floor because they have to take off theirs...
Congratulations, you haz won The Internet today for Best Comment Evah on the subject.
Drifty, please put append this astute poster's comment to the parent post. Too good to miss.
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