Friday, April 20, 2012

The Secret Liberal Manufacturing Job Conspiracy


The Liberal Bias blog gives away the entire secret Liberal manufacturing plot to make Republican Preznits look bad here.

* We Liberals are just no damn good at keeping our conspiracies quiet.

*(Thank you for the catch, chrome agnomen)


chrome agnomen said...

second linkee no good.

the right is full of angry cowards who can see no other way to take out their aggressions than by sending expendables to fight as their proxy. the balance of the right is amoral men making vast fortunes from war.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

That chart shows jobs falling away rapidly beginning in 2000.

G.W. Bush was sworn in during January, 2001, and his policies would have gone into effect sometime after that.

He's one of the worst presidents ever, but the shafting of Americans by big corporations is sadly bipartisan.

Unknown said...

It's unclear what the methodology is for the chart, but if I were counting manufacturing jobs I would measure at the end of the year for a yearly total. Which is to say, 2000 was the last year of roaring-90's level manufacturing jobs, with the start of the recent declines setting in with near exact coincidence to Bush II taking office.
Whatever of these losses were caused due to bi-partisan support for NAFTA are not relevant here. Jobs shipped China and other manufacturing sites other than Mexico would have occurred independent of Clinton's signature, as they are not within the auspices of a North American Free Trade Agreement. I suspect those manufacturing losses occurred just prior to the start of this chart, before 1995.

rahul said...

Thanks for great information you write it very clean. I am very lucky to get this tips from you.

Manufacturing in Mexico