Wednesday, April 04, 2012

A Little Something

for the "it's all reparations for slavery" droolbucket who stopped by earlier to share his unique insights with the Liberal world.   Sir,  I invite you to read and learn, or fold it into a tesseract and shove it so far up your ass that it gives your temporal lobe a Charley horse.

See?  Who says customer service is dead!

I also invite a certain "secret global Jewish/Bolshevik conspiracy" cretin to avail himself of the same service because, sir, your batshit comments are never, ever gonna see the light of day on my site.

Yours in Christ,



tmk said... of those days, I take it?


Anonymous said...

With that attitude, I would ask if you ever worked in IT?

And you had a Jewish conspiracy post? And, I missed that?!? That's my favorite kind of crazy!!! Dammit.
