Wednesday, April 04, 2012

7-Year Blogiversary Fundraiser: Day Five

Mr. President,
The Right doesn't disagree with us on principle.

They hate us with a white-hot, animal rage that cannot be assuaged or reasoned with.

They would rather burn our country to the ground than give you anything and they would gladly piss on the ashes if they thought it would irritate some Liberal somewhere.

I sure as hell hope you have finally gotten that fact through your head, because if you haven't, we're screwed.

Here is the PayPal button should you wish to kick something into the fundraiser tip jar. 

Or, if you prefer using the U.S mail, you can send a check made payable to and care of
The Professional Left Podcast 
P.O. Box 9133
Springfield, IL 62704

Once again, whether or not you choose to send anything at all, your comradeship these last seven years has made the trip worthwhile.


Anonymous said...

You seriously think still that President Barack Hussein Obama doesn't get it? President Barack Hussein Obama could simply be a naive babe in the woods, despite passing historic amounts of legislation, and taking down the DLC/Clinton machine and becoming America's first President with his kind of skin tone?

Contrary to "liberal" talking points, he never had 60 votes in the Senate (58 was the high), and 8 of those were of the Ben Nelson variety who could never be counted on. "Democrats" Nelson, Lincoln, etc were the ones stopping and altering all the legislation, remember? Given these facts, it's fair to say he never had even a simple majority 51 votes on many issues. Contrast that to the Senate majorities that FDR and LBJ had that were well into the 60 votes range and sometimes into the 70s.

President Barack Hussein Obama has been rapidly cleaning up the political cesspool that is Washington D.C., and taking on a Republican-owned media that is trying to trip him up at every turn from day one. Pure "progressives" are the ones who need to understand how politics and legislation works and "get these facts through their heads," not President Barack Hussein Obama. If "progressives" don't, I wouldn't say "we're screwed," since PBO has built one of the greatest grassroots movements in history, so we don't necessarily need them to win. It's just that it would make things much easier if "progressives" would finally understand who the enemy is and help us get the strongest majorities possible in Congress.

Anonymous said...

heh heh heh...guess the pragmatic "anonymous" told YOU what for and where it came from, Drifty. Feel chastened? Didn't think so!

John said...

About all that Anon I proves is that either we need not worry about WHO is president but concentrate on congress OR Obama is a rather poor leader of his party.

John Puma

Anonymous said...

Pragmatic anonymous mindless O-bot here again...the extremely common refrain from so many liberal blogs, suggesting that President Barack Hussein Obama is naive in regard to Republican hardball politics, has annoyed me since it became frequent, oh say about 2007.

Being a big fan of our esteemed host here, I tried to make a case why I feel that sentiment is misguided and should be erased from "progressive" blogs as much as possible. Driftglass has never struck me as someone who wants a bunch of butt-kissers telling him how great he is all day (although that doesn't seem like such as bad way to go through life!), and might appreciate a little political debate from time to time. You, kewl-kid anonymous, apparently have a different take.

Anonymous said...

If you don't need progressives to win why do you care what we think so much? If only "O-bots" spent a fraction of the time they spend punching hippies on liberal websites actually working to get out the millions of low-information Dem, moderate, and independent votes Obama needs to win. Why were you on the computer at 5pm instead of knocking on doors or phonebanking?

Oh right. You don't see too many "pragmatic sensible" types doing that kind of thing.