Monday, March 12, 2012

Plus Ca Change









Habitat Vic said...

Love Three Days of the Condor, and that clip. The next (and final) minute of that film has Condor/Redford striking a blow for decency and against the Neocons by going to the New York Times and blowing the lid off the whole nefarious scheme. The movie's close has Higgins/Robertson asking the frightening question "but what if they don't publish it?"

Sadly, today's NYT not only wouldn't publish the story, but Douthat's neocon editorial staff would support the plan for war/invasion. Judith Miller would have been in bed (figuratively, maybe literally) with the scheming Neocons and Brooks would dismiss any negative blowback to the staged war by pointing out that Liberals also started conquering wars in the 60s. Or 70s. Or at sometime, somewhere.

Canadian Patriot said...

Solution to the energy problem is simple: hydrogen harvested from the part of the oil that is wasted away being burned up as fuel for cars and electricity.