Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Antiphon Women on the Moon*

Republican women suddenly notice that Republicans hate women.

File under: "...even the police began to sit up and take notice."

From a Big City Newspaper!

Centrist Women Tell of Disenchantment With Republicans 

“We all agreed that this seemed like a throwback to 40 years ago,” said Ms. Russell, 57, a retired teacher from Iowa City who describes herself as an evangelical Christian and “old school” Republican of the moderate mold.

Until the baby shower, just two weeks ago, she had favored Mitt Romney for president.

Not anymore. She said she might vote for President Obama now. “I didn’t realize I had a strong viewpoint on this until these conversations,” Ms. Russell said. As for the Republican presidential candidates, she added: “If they’re going to decide on women’s reproductive issues, I’m not going to vote for any of them. Women’s reproduction is our own business.” ...

After the talk show host Rush Limbaugh denounced a Georgetown University law student as a “slut” and a “prostitute” for her advocacy of insurance coverage of contraception, some women were critical of Mr. Romney’s tepid response.

Rick Santorum, a former senator from Pennsylvania who is one of Mr. Romney’s rivals for the nomination, created a tempest late last month by speaking out against prenatal testing. Earlier comments about women in combat and the role of “radical feminism” in encouraging work outside the home also left some women ill at ease.

“Everybody is so busy telling us how we should act in the bedroom, they’re letting the country fall through the cracks,” said Fran Kelley, a retired public school worker in Seattle who voted for Senator John McCain over Mr. Obama in the 2008 election. Of the Republican candidates this year, she added, “They’re nothing but hatemongers trying to control everyone, saying, ‘Live as I live.’ ”

She continued, “If Republicans would stop all this ridiculous talk about contraception, I’d consider voting in November.” 
OK, good start everyone! Consciousness raised! Good effort!

Now, for our next exercise, we will mentally substitute "every other issue for the last 40 years from marriage equality to global warming to fucking up the economy to gutting Social Security and Medicare to lying us into a disastrous war to throwing tantrums threatening to shut down the federal government every few minutes to just being hateful bigots" for "this one issue that happens to affect my personal vagina" and then see if maybe, just maybe, it starts to slooooowly dawn on you that if you're one adjective away from being an "Onion" headline, you have probably made some very poor life choices.

*(Antiphon: 1. (Christianity / Ecclesiastical Terms) a short passage, usually from the Bible, recited or sung as a response after certain parts of a liturgical service)


Roket said...

The truly sad part for me is that rather than vote for the better candidate, most of these brainwashed ideologues will choose not to vote at all. Then, when less than half of registered voters choose our next president, the extreme right will flaunt those numbers and say 'Look, he's not a 'real' president'. It's how they roll.

brother yam said...

Funny, the Mrs. and I were just talking about how we don't understand how any woman could be a Republican just the other day...

Ebon Krieg said...

That they can't see beyond their own narrow self-interest is the plight of the mugwump. I have little faith they will take the necessary next logical step. Hope remains no matter how forlorn.

Roket--> that is unless they win, then it is a mandate.

runst said...

Oh dear Dog in Doggie Heaven, now David Brooks is worried that the world's population isn't growing as fast as it used to (no, that's not a typo):


Lent can't end soon enough...

wjbill49 said...

Imagine ..... just imagine if the consciousness of the voting population of the U.S. IS actually raised .... time will tell but what a wonderful thought!!!
No wonder the movement conservatives are doing all they can to keep people from voting .... anyone WITH a conscious would be sick at the prospect of putting these guys in charge of ANYTHING!!!!!

bluicebank said...

'Good start, everyone!" Touche.

Just when I've written off the whole lot (or given magical powers to propagandists), a few of them wake up. For a second.

I've seen conservatives have a moment of clarity more than once, only to see them hitting the Sterno the next day. We'll see what we will see.