Saturday, February 25, 2012

This Is Me

Linking to Digby, who is linking to Charlie Pierce, who is talking about Kenneth Stern
To the tenther power

by digby

The great Charles Pierce (whose Esquire blog is the best new blog of the last few years, as you might expect) points out that the wingnut fringe isn't fringe anymore:

In 1996, Kenneth Stern wrote a terrific book called A Force Upon The Plain, about the rise of the militia movement in America, particularly in the west. At one point in the book, Stern quotes a militia-connected Colorado state senator named Charlie Duke, who tells a gathering of "patriots" in Indianapolis, that members of Congress "don't seem to know what the Tenth Amendment is about." Duke, Stern reports, also was the driving force behind non-binding "Tenth Amendment Resolutions" in 15 states. These resolutions, writes Stern, "exalted states rights over the laws of the federal government." Recall now that, in 1994, this was the thinking of a guy who also believed that the federal government was implanting microchips into American infants.


1 comment:

RobSPL said...

Reality is slowly poking through.