Friday, February 10, 2012

There Once was a Man Named Bush

No, for real.

There really was.

Of course, if you stick to the major wingnut/CPAC media outlets, you know that details of his life and times are mostly lost to history but he appears to have been a "Republican" who -- despite of what this obviously Librul Media-doctored footage from the 2008 CPAC Conventions purports to show --

held some sort of public office in spite of the the remarkable fact that not a single one of his fellow Republicans ever voted for him or supported him in any way.

Weird, huh?

Well this Bush guy

has climbed back out of the wingnut memory hole just long enough to violate the Three Cardinal Rules of being a good, Limbaugh Conservative.

Violation #1:  Failure to vehemently deny the existence of George W. Bush.

From the Detroit News:
Las Vegas — Former President George W. Bush defended...

Violation #2:  Failure to vehemently deny that it was George W. Bush who initiated the bailout of the American automobile industry.

Bush on auto bailouts: 'I'd do it again' 
Former President George W. Bush defended his decision to bail out General Motors Corp. and Chrysler LLC at the end of his administration.

"I'd do it again," Bush told thousands of the nation's auto dealers, explaining approving a $700 billion bailout fund used to rescue banks, insurers and automakers. "I didn't want there to be 21 percent unemployment."

Bush said he believes in the free market and under normal conditions, automakers and other businesses should have been allowed to fail.

"If you make a bad decision, you ought to pay," Bush said. "Sometimes, circumstances get in the way of philosophy."

In late December 2008, after Congress refused to act, Bush agreed to a $17.4 billion bailout for GM and Chrysler using his broad authority under the $700 billion fund established to help the failing banks, known as the Troubled Asset Relief Program.

And Violation #3?

Failure to jam a reference to Saul Aulinsky

into every fucking sentence.


blackdaug said...

Damn Dirty Harry for stirring up the pot with his pinko ways...!!

darkblack said...

There was a president named 'Bush'...?
Why, I can't imagine...


Habitat Vic said...

As W would paraphrase Tony Montana:

"Fuck Mitt Romney, and fuck the fuckin' Not-Romney brothers! Fuck'em all! I bury those cock-a-roaches!"

I must say there is some schadenfruede in watching this clusterfuck of a Republican presidential primary. Throw W under the bus? Done. Clint Eastwood (really more of a Libertarian or Teddy Roosevelt Republican anyway)? Fuck him, too.

As to whether 2012's elections (including the Wisconsin recalls this summer) really show an awakening of at least some of the voters....

Anonymous said...

"Nobody could have expected" that a lazy, self-centered, dimwitted, willfully ignorant magical-thinking crony capitalist, who had spent his entire pampered life being cosseted from the consequences of his fuckups, would make such a disastrous President.

And the Repuke Party sure as hell wouldn't tell you, or even admit to it afterward.