Friday, February 10, 2012

Professional Left Podcast #114

“All your vaginae are belong to us."
-- Pope Santorum I


Da' money goes here:


Habitat Vic said...

for Blue Gal,

Karen Handel has not been able to have any children, and it apparently was a very big deal to her. BTW, her trying fertility treatments made her fial the purity test of the Georgia Chapter of Right To Life (they did not endorse her run for Governor).

Between Handel's needing to prove her "cred" to the Right-To-Lifers and her statements about abortion veersus adoption ... well, there could be a whole lot of stuff going on in that angry conservative head of hers.


Habitat Vic said...

Damn Drifty, you had to bring up Malcolm Tucker. I just picture Roger Ailes - or someone - going "Malcolm" on a conservative nitwit underling. Like Handel or Coulter. Sort of like this:

Malcom Tucker goes apeshit: