Friday, February 17, 2012

Anyone Who Has Spent Five Minutes

at "The Daily Beast" is familiar with the Andrew Sullivan EZ Aggregation Blogger Template.

Header: Six words + optional question mark

Post Variation 1: proper name + verb + Copy/Paste

Post Variation 2: proper name + verb + Copy/Paste + "but" + different proper name + different verb + Copy/Paste.

Recent samples
Courting The Asian Vote, Ctd
Larison argues that Ambinder's post...
Jonathan Zasloff piles on...
The GOP's Worst-Case Scenario
Jonathan Bernstein imagines...
Sean Trende revisits...
How Should We Deal With Addiction?
William Bennett claims...
Neill Franklin and Katharine Celentano counter...
Obama's Data Operation
Sasha Issenberg reports...
The Anti-Libertarian
Philip Klein worries...
John Samples made the libertarian case...
Campaigning Against Goliath
Pareene examines...
Chait lists...
Romney's Absurd China Op-Ed
Ackerman rolls his eyes...
Drezner focuses...
Why Did Santorum Get Shellacked In 2006?
Byron York clarifies...
Larison revisits...
And so forth.

There's nothing inherently wrong with this ongoing experiment in doing the absolute barest minimum possible short of running "Rock On", "Open Thread" and "More Open Thread" posts around the clock.  It is a very efficient, mechanical substitute for actual writing: one which will probably be undercut sooner or later by some minor improvement to the Google News Alert algorithm and with which I goofed around for awhile before getting bored with running a mechanical "One side says one thing/ One side says something else" post generator --

Breaking: Chris says that Scott says that Sarah
may or may not be up to something. 
Erik notes that Tom, Dave, Another Chris, Mark, Mary Lu, and the Same Scott all have different opinions about what Sarah may-or-may-not be up to, some of which agree or disagree to some degree with others, and some of which are based on speculation about what Mitt, Bill and Mike might have been up to on somewhat similar previous occasions.

-- just for the sake of seeing how much effort it actually takes.

(Note: it is incredibly easy.)

However it does get kind of amusing when Mr. Sullivan aggregates other aggregators in a cascading concatenation of aggregation, such as here:

What Happened To The Tea Party?

Larison grapples...

[Chris] Littleton says...

Paul Bedard reports...

For this year’s election, said Jenny Beth Martin, co-founder of Tea Party Patriots [says]...

It can also be somewhat confusing since almost every post of this variety is couched as a question and yet Mr. Sullivan clearly isn't much interested in the answer.

Still, just this one time let me provide one anyway.

"What happened To The Tea Party"?


There is no Tea Party.

There is no Tea Party.

There.  Is.  No.  Tea.  Party.


Sandy Duncan's Eye said...

William Bennett claims...

Really? Can that fucking imbecile be quoted seriously in the year 2012?

I stopped even checking in with his blog after he left The Atlantic

steeve said...

To the stupid, that type of posting is the highest form of honest transparency and humble attribution.

chrome agnomen said...

so what's his upside? i read so much criticism here and even moreso at john cole's blog that i have never once felt the need to read him, yet many seem to. what gives?