Friday, February 17, 2012

Libertine Men and Scarlet Women!

You Know What's Both Sad and Funny?

When a political party has lied, defrauded and bludgeoned their way into such a self-inflicted, brain-damaged stupor that not only has every one of its core ideas blown up into spectacular, public failures...but its desperate attempts to distract the public from the spectacular and public failure of of its core ideas have themselves becoming spectacular and public failures.

 Which can only mean one thing: A summer full of

Flag Burning amendments, English-only education "debates", medicinal wine from a teaspoon, beer from a bottle, Libertine men! Scarlet women! Ragtime! and whatever else the GOP can dredge up from the very bottom of the Conservative Culture War sewer.

1 comment:

Sandy Duncan's Eye said...

English only, huh?

Are we really going to rename Colorado "Colored"?

Thought not.