Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Hey, I'm an Adjective!


From Balloon Juice:

Charles Pierce Forces Me to Take a Cold Shower

by John Cole

This driftglassian takedown of David Brooks got me all hot and bothered. A sample:

He does, however, interview some very well-spoken poll results, and proceeds to interpret them in ways that make you wonder if he’s dropped in from Alpha Centauri. He notices that poor people are having fewer babies, which makes him sad. But, things are looking up! People have stopped using their “bank-issued” credit cards as much. (These would be the cards they used so as to support the overstuffed suburban lifestyle that David Brooks so celebrated in his earlier, funnier work.) This means, to Brooks, “Quietly but decisively, Americans are trying to restore the moral norms that undergird our economic system.”

So I've got that going for me.

Commenter "srv" writes, "Wait, driftglass is at Esquire?"

No. srv.

No I am very definitely not.

Currently I am unemployed.

For the fourth time.

In three years.

Which is kinda scary.

Or, in Brooks-speak, I am "quietly but decisively...trying to restore the moral norms that undergird our economic system."

On the slightly different subject of our nearest solar neighbors, I must confess that, like Mr. Pierce, I, too, have abused poor Alpha Centauri in the past:
In case you are just skimming past en route to Alpha Centauri and have no idea about who or what a "Newt Gingrich" is, he is a multiply-humiliated Republican personality who gloms onto whatever wingnut conspiracy theory or demagogic lunacy Fox News is peddling this week and lends it a portion of his ever-diminishing credibility.
And I, too, have wonder aloud if perhaps Our Mr. Brooks' complete absence of humanity might lie in his extra-terrestrial origins:
Of course, in the process of becoming David Broder, David Brooks has merely added one more thin coat of varnish to his own, time-honored method of meeting his 800-word, bi-weekly contractual obligation to the New York Times: namely, observing-America-with-alarm as if he were an alien.

Or a robot.

Or (a trope I have leaned on before) one of the time travelers from C.L. Moore's wonderful "Vintage Season" -- A jaded connoisseur on a "Disasters of the Past" tourist junket, taking up temporary residence at the edge of each of history's great catastrophes long enough to savor its distinct terrors and tragedies...and then moving on to the next plague.

But had I ever been pressed to name the planet of Bobo's origin, I'd have chose Tau Ceti Prime, not Alpha Centauri, for dark and terrible reasons known all-too-well to the xenojournalism community, but which remain hidden from the average Earth-born civilian for their own safety and sanity.

This is really nothing more than a minor quibble between Mr. Pierce and myself, which I raise here only because -- in one of those linguistic ironies which is surprisingly common in our jerkwater exurb of the Milky Way galaxy -- a "minor quibble" on Tau Ceti Prime is a nine-inch long, slow moving, sexless, eyeless parasitic invertebrate with a tiny brain and metabolism consisting of 90% mouth and asshole which nonetheless manages -- in defiance of all terrestrial rules of natural selection -- to continue landing highly sought-after positions at prestigious Tau Ceti newspapers.

Where it writes about how "Quietly but decisively, Tau Cetians are trying to restore the moral norms that undergird our economic system."

Twice a week.

Every week.

Over an over again.

Why yes, I do take contributions!


Anonymous said...

Hey, I gave you props over at Pierce's site yesterday.

John said...

That's rich: "restore the moral norms that undergird our economic system."

I am effin' overjoyed to hear that our economic system is quietly and decisively returning to "jobless" mass-homicidal greed?

John Puma

Cinesias said...


That is the norm throughout human history, and is the desired state under an aristocracy.

Brooks isn't hiding anything, nor are the rest of the plutocrats. They may mislead here and there, or misrepresent their goals, but it's all there in their words and actions.

John said...

To n1ck:

Not to quibble, but misleading and misrepresentation are a form of hiding.

My post is a satirical, "fond remembrance" for the good old days of "mere" jobless mass-homicidal greed.

Certainly the congressional GOP is hiding nothing and, with a successful 2012 bout of voter suppression and election fraud, full-on fascism will finally bloom in America.

See, "The Nazi Hydra in America: Suppressed History of a Century "
(ISBN 978-0930852436)

John Puma

Nangleator said...

"90% mouth and asshole"

Interchangeable ends. In fact, indistinguishable.

Anonymous said...

I hope you're not mad that Pierce apparently beat you at ripping Bobo a new one on one of the worst things he's ever written....

Cinesias said...


I get the sarcasm, I just wanted to use your statement as a springboard. I guess their language makes a nominal attempt to hide their goals, although I'd argue that it is more a formality of propaganda than anything else.

For anyone with a modicum of intelligence or sense of history, their goals should be apparent even in the language and symbols they use. Freedom is simply the idea that nothing is stopping you from doing what you want. That the aristocracy want less regulation and more wealth is in fact freedom. For them.

For everyone else, struggle and lack of freedom is their own problem, since they obviously haven't pulled themselves up by their bootstraps to earn their freedom.

It's why you hear the aristocracy complaining that liberals, the government, and equality is a hatred for freedom and is in fact taking away their freedom; for the aristocracy, it is always wealth v. everyone else. Their freedom actually requires your indenture to their position, wealth, and hegemony.

driftglass said...

Anon - 1,
Many thanks.

Anon - 2,
Mad? God no: Charlie is a fine writer and anyone who lances the Bobo boil is doing a public service.

However, as to "beating" me... :-)

If you check the date/time stamps of both posts you will find that mine was up 12 hours before Mr. Pierces', or two hours after it was published in the NYT. You would also find that mine included a brand new Bobo graphic in the header.

darkblack said...

Better to be an adjective than an afterthought.


Kathleen said...

Mr. Driftglass, your commentaries and photoshops takedowns of Brooks, Gregory et all render me speechless. Fox News is low hanging fruit, and though Stewart slices and dices them with finesse, mastering the mockery of the main stream morlocks is alot harder and takes a very special skill. I bow down!!! Thanks!

deering said...

"...ripping Bobo a new one on one of the worst things he's ever written...."

Damn, deciding what is the worst Brooks piece ever is not only a game no one can win, it's guaranteed to leave one with less sentience than any random Tau Cetian.

LJ said...

Have you considered compiling all your stuff about Bobo into a book? I think "David Fuckity Fucking Fuck-cakes Brooks" would work as a title. I know I'd buy it.

Anonymous said...

That image is terrifying. My soul hurts.

Anonymous said...

I came here on the back of the Balloon Juice link and spent about two hours reading your archive posts. Absolutely fantastic prose, your incandescent riffing reminds me of Bill Hicks, your artwork is hilarious, especially the Friedman spoon bending and Last Emperor and great quality. I'm from the UK and I follow quite a few American political blogs and I often read about the status quo sponsered fuck-wittery of Brooks et al but don't get a chance to see 'em. Now I've got some choice images to illustrate these clowns. Can't believe you are unemployed, your blog pisses on most of the others from a great height, hope you find something soon. Keep on keeping on mate I'll be checking back often.

Anonymous said...

Driftglass, I'm Anon-2. All I'll say is: keep up the good work. (Now if only they could get that Bobo chowderhead off the PBS Newshour...)

jim said...

Beats the hell out of "Panglossian."