Sunday, July 03, 2011

Our Next First Dude Explains

The United States government.


alise said...

I just laughed my damn ass off!! But I have to admit, does this or does this not lampoon the very same ideals and ideas of the totally idiotic pre facto front runner in the Republican primaries, the constitutional and historical genius Michele Bachmann? She's keeping her husband, Marcus, as much under the radar as she can, but sooner or later all of their hyprocrises will exposed to the harsh light of day. Although, as Matt Taibbi reported, it will only serve to make her supporters hate us more.

Paul Lynde will always be Uncle Arthur to me, though. I just loved that guy!

Cirze said...

Thanks, Dg.

We needed this today.

Tengrain said...

Thanks Drifty - and you already know why.

