Sunday, July 03, 2011

Lake Shore Drive Hail Storm

A short video of our encounter with the Angry Weather Gods on June 30, 2011 on Lake Shore Drive.

Some language is definitely not safe for work and obviously further angered the Angry Weather Gods.

Neither rain nor sleet nor snow nor dark of night shall stay the Professional Left from something something.


StonyPillow said...

So something something is what the kids are calling it these days.

May you always complete your appointed rounds, but ignore the swift part. Use well such propitiating hours as the angree Gods give you.

And try putting a bit of catnip in the internet kitties' food for a few days after the move. It will probably make them more frisky and playful, but it also makes them less nervous and scared, until they have time to sort out their new territory and servants.

Cirze said...

Blindfold them.

It always worked for me.

Plants too.

They all get nervous during moves.

(Glad "something" got done.)


Dana said...

I live in the southwest, and the monsoon depicted here is making me weep uncontrollably.