Saturday, June 25, 2011

Ease Into your Terrifying Gay Overlord Future

Mindrelic - Manhattan in motion from Mindrelic on Vimeo.

With this terrific Manhattan Timelapse (h/t the very fine "Where" blog for this, and h/t Aaron Renn and his very fine "Urbanophile" blog for pointing the way.)

(FYI, things like Urbanophile, reports from "CEOs for Cities", urban and labor think tank briefing papers, the successes and failures of various labor/sector programs, local/regional/national industrial policy initiatives, et al. are what I read when I'm not working my day job, or podcasting, or blogging, or re-reading "Slats Grobnik and Some Other Friends", or plowing through some old PK Dick novel I never got around to, or scouring ancient Aztec ruins in search of new adjectives for "meretricious dick" for my next post about, say, David Fucking Brooks.

Because bitching alone will not save us.)


Ardent Henry said...

Thank you so much, drifty. There is hope after so many fucking defeats lately for our side.

Fran / Blue Gal said...

You left out "eating pancakes." Wake up, they're ready. I put vanilla in them this time.

Kathy said...

Its a little reassuring, when the conservative Faith seems ascendant, to see these smallish, but so important, "liberal" (Humanity helping-improving) successes.

Deeep Sigh.