Monday, May 30, 2011

Let Us Also Resolve Never to Forget

The liars, frauds, grifters, pundits and various other Conservative bottom-feeders who, when called upon to put their asses on the line for the catastrophically failed foreign adventure which they so stridently promoted and ferociously defended, said with in a loud and clear voice,
"Fuck no. My chickenhawk Conservative ass is far too busy turning a buck, pimping a book or boosting circulation off of this clusterfuck. Let someone poorer and browner shovel shit and dodge bullets in 120 degree heat, 10,000 miles away from hearth and home.

"Let someone else pick up the tab and lose a leg or an arm or a life or a son or a wife or a father for my blood-drunk Neocon fantasies.

Capitalism, bitches!

Perhaps a special day on the calendar set aside to remember the ghouls who lied us

into war

And the grubs worms

who cheered

them on.

Exhibit A: Doughy Pantload --


“In the weeks prior to the war to liberate Afghanistan, a good friend of mine would ask me almost every day, “Why aren’t we killing people yet?” And I never had a good answer for him. Because one of the most important and vital things the United States could do after 9/11 was to kill people. Call it a “forceful response,” “decisive action” — whatever. Those are all nice euphemisms for killing people. And the world is a better place because America saw the necessity of putting steel beneath the velvet of those euphemisms.”

– Jonah Goldberg


I think that war with Iraq is necessary to save lives in the long run. I think that those who are opposed to toppling Saddam are risking American (and Arab and Israeli) lives too.

Soldiers will die in any war, that’s why they call it war.

– Jonah Goldberg


As for why my sorry a** isn’t in the kill zone, lots of people think this is a searingly pertinent question. No answer I could give — I’m 35 years old, my family couldn’t afford the lost income, I have a baby daughter, my a** is, er, sorry, are a few — ever seem to suffice.

– Jonah Goldberg

And how have meatsticks like Jonah the Fantastic paid for their many, many, many public hypocrisies, lies and abject failures?

Silly rabbit. In Wingnut Welfare Land, you don't pay for your colossal fuckups.

Your colossal fuckups pay you!

From Gawker:
Idiot Inks Boffo Book Deal

Oh, good, Jonah Goldberg just got a million dollars to write another book. Hooray for the publishing industry!

Jonah Goldberg—who has a career of any kind solely because his mother told Linda Tripp to secretly tape conversations with a lady who gave the president a blow job, and who is generally considered to be one of the most intellectually lazy pundits of any political persuasion of all time—writes about The Simpsons for The National Review Online. His last book, Liberal Fascism, was based entirely on the fact that someone told the 40-year-old Goldberg that "Nazi" stood for "National Socialist" and then he basically stopped listening. It was a number one New York Times best-seller, because a couple thousand people will buy anything that says mean things about liberals and because the conservative publishing industry buys its own product in mass quantities in order to distribute via World Net Daily donation gifts and "book clubs."

What a country.


Anonymous said...

Jude at First Draft served for six years. Here’s his take on the political hypocrisy which claims American soldiers are “dying for our freedom”:

A real Memorial Day would involve commitments to cease sacrifices that don’t actually, you know, do anything in the name of freedom. Losing your legs so that Chevron can see higher profit margins is not noble. It’s a god damned shame. Dying in the service of defense contractors doesn’t bestow sainthood on the deceased. It just means that a life got snuffed out for no good reason. Reflexive military worship is a cancer on society. Unscrupulous people use it to justify their actions and avoid any criticism. That shit makes the act of asking why we should send young people to absorb bullets and get blown to pieces into some kind of subversion and/or sedition. How fucking ridiculous is that? Wondering if someone’s death was worth the cost doesn’t dishonor the person. I don’t know how we’ve confused evaluating the motives and actions of leaders with spitting on corpses, but we have. And until we can untangle those things, we’re just well and truly fucked when it comes to international affairs.



Retired Patriot said...

Thanks Drifty for being the memory of these sad, small men. Chickenhawk is one of the best monikers ever used to describe the politically "brave" fighters who refused to serve when their time was nigh. I know there's special karma for these liars, frauds, grifters and pundits. And take comfort in knowing that when karma does indeed strike them, there will be plenty of those who served who will enjoy the sight.


Sad Iron said...

Reading this post actually made me throw up in my soul.

Anonymous said...

Goldberg represents what has always been. Old white guys order somebody else's kids into wars, while their sycophants cheer them on. The latter receive cash rewards and notoriety.

Interrobang said...

What was it Smedley Butler said, that he was a hired man for United Fruit?

Anonymous said...

Well, as Hunter Thompson said many years ago: "The scum rises to the top."

He was referring to Nixon back then. But it can be applied to any of the chickenhawks this country is infested with...

Like you said, what a country....

someofparts said...

They don't dare serve. Can you imagine what a regular soldier would think about depending on one of these vermin to back him up? Nope. Somebody would just mysteriously shoot the rat while they were on patrol and no one would be the wiser. Actually that would improve morale and upgrade the gene pool too.

The more I think about it, I do believe I would enlist myself if they could assure me a chance to shoot one of these guys. I'm nothing if not community-service-minded.