Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Just Gonna Keep Swinging My Tiny Hammer

Until something budges.

The World's Best Blogger today writes the following (emphasis added):

...there is something strange about Rove and Krauthammer dismissing this blow-dried creep as somehow unserious. You mean less serious than Palin, whose ticket you both endorsed last time around? You endorse unqualified crazy; you'll get even more unqualified crazy. But this time, with enough money to buy and bait his way into the affections of the unhinged base.

Listening to these Republican "elites" after the last ten years on Trump is a little like listening to them on the crippling debt. They helped create both nightmares. Some of us have not developed total amnesia.

Rove and Krauthammer aren't pissed that Trump in unserious: like all con men, they're just pissed that someone else is plucking their pigeons. Because the Right has always been a Pretty Hate Machine powered by the dark energies of imbeciles and bigots --

...if the entire Right Wing understands anything it is this – as frustrating and degrading as it is to men like Trent Lott, Tom Tancredo, G. Felix Allen and Rick Santorum who really, really want to shout their love for all things Segregated and/or Despotic from the rooftops, it is still not socially acceptable to publicly embrace and celebrate your Inner Klansman.

Thus they must commune with their Swine Army in code.

They must use lightly encrypting hatespeech to manipulate the Rove Rods to get the Electoral Reactor Core seething hot enough to activate the base...but always keep the Bobo Koolant level of soothing denial, spin and outright lies juuust high enough to keep the Moderates from being directly exposed to and freaked out by the unshielded Core of the GOP.
-- and the gibbering idiots who are pushing Trump into the lead are that unshielded Core of the Right, and always have been.

And speaking of con men, the part about Mr. Sullivan not developing total amnesia about this matter is perfectly true.

Conservative Expatriates like Mr. Sullivan have instead carefully annealed themselves inside a cartoonishly selective, self-righteous, self-absolving, career-insulating cocoon of

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partial amnesia.


Cirze said...

Now that surprises me.

I thought it was total amnesia.

That Sully is still on top!

Isn't he?


Anonymous said...

Don't worry, Sully's episode of hereticism against Repuke religion will be followed by a craven return to the center of the herd, sure as night follows day.

This is his endless tease, occasionally acting like a sane human being, breaking ranks with the Repigs, only to return chastened to the fold next week because John Kerry looks French, Obama's flag pin wasn't prominent enough, or some other unforgiveable monstrosity only the Repigs can comfort him over.

Rinse, repeat.

Kathy said...

" ... they're just pissed that someone else is plucking their pigeons...

You found exactly the right phrase! They set the stage for one of Their patsys, not a ringer. Sort of like the Schwartznegger grabbing the Governorship after the Repugs managed to get rid of Davis.

blader said...

"some of us have not developed total amnesia"??????

too fucking familiar

is that Sully finally offering you his retort, Drifty?

Is that all he can say, that his excuse is he's been in and out, but not totally out, while huffing propofol all these years?

Freelance said...

"driftglass" please answer my single question.

How did you post with a 7 words in post's web address on Blogger like

Because I knew the minimum words in post web address is 6 words. Example: When I titled my blog to "just gonna keep swinging my tiny hammer" my blog URL will become *****.com/2011/04/just-gonna-keep-swinging-my-tiny.html

How did you make url blog URL with over 6 words like

As your follower, please respond. Thank you!

driftglass said...

Mark Anthony B. Dungo,

I haven't the slightest idea. I type or copy my posts as you see them -- titles and all -- then I post them. Then, awhile later, I spot some embarrassing typo or 7, at which point, if it seems like they are sufficiently distracting or if it just bugs me enough, I will fix em and repost.

But that is really it.