Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Andrew Sullivan Wants to Know:

"When will decent Republicans or conservatives actually disown this flaming bigot (Rush Limibaugh)?"

I assume Sullivan means the question rhetorically, because as he damned well knows, "decent Republicans or conservatives" have virtually ceased to exist anyplace but on page 53 of Jorge Luis Borges' "Book of Imaginary Beings".

Right between the "Á Bao A Qu" and the "Axehandle Hound".

For a generation, decent Liberals have been warning people like Sullivan that this kind of Devil would one day come for his due (From Rod Serling writing in an editorial in the (then-very-right-wing) Los Angeles Times in 1964, in response to a series of articles by wingnut-apologist Morrie Ryskind:

What Mr. Ryskind seems constitutionally unable to understand is that there is a vast difference between the criticism of a man or a party, and the setting up of criteria or patriotism which equates differences of opinion with disloyalty.

We have need in the country for an enlightened, watchful and articulate opposition. We have no need for semi-secret societies who are absolutist, dictatorial, and would substitute for a rule of law and reason an indiscriminate assault on the institutions of this republic that should and must be held sacrosanct.

“[The far right cannot] discount the fact that sitting it their parlor is the Ku Klux Klan, the American Nazi Party, every racist group in the United States and not a few of some Fascist orders that have scrambled their way up from the sewers to a position of new respectability.”

We were, or course, ignored.

We were told to shut up.

We were told that the Limbaughs were just fringe entertainers.

We were told that the Falwells were just useful dolts who could be kept under control.

We were told that, whatever their flaws, the awesomeness of the Small Gummint/Fiscal Responsibility/Individual Liberty ends of the Conservative Movement outweighed any trifling concerns over the means by which they were achieved.

We were told all of these things by people whose entire worldview depended on frantically ignoring the fact that their Conservative Movement never, ever made good on a single word of what they promised, and, in fact, routinely and flagrantly violated their own principles with a profligacy so breathtaking it makes the average Liberal seem positively Libertarian.

Now the day people like Sullivan were long warned was coming has arrived in all its roaring, fascist, pig-ignorant Palinite glory.

Andrew, seriously, after all of this, how fucking dare you feign surprise.

If you want to do something useful, quit shaking your fist at Limbaugh and demanding to know "Why!?"

You already know why.

Instead, perhaps you should consider doing something useful.

Like spending the next 20 years apologizing to every Liberal in America.


Anonymous said...

Agreed, but I also have to point out that the complacency of many liberals (witness the continual protests outside my office by crazy right wingers during the health care debate and NEVER ONE SINGLE liberal protest in support) has made it easier for this to happen.

I keep thinking if we were France, people would be in the streets about how we're being screwed by Wall Street, and BP, etc., etc but... crickets. Kerry's argument for his climate change bill is that it's "our only hope to keep the EPA from regulating." My god, if that's where the Dems are as we all sit around helplessly watching the worst environmental devastation in our history happen in the Gulf, we are doomed.

The DNC and other groups have forgotten how to fight or forgotten who they should be fighting for and soon it's going to be too late to turn back this tide. Hello, Republican majority in the House and much much more gloating by Rush and his ilk. And you think there's gridlock on the Hill now? Just wait.

Your voice gives me hope, but how do we get people off the sofa in some meaningful way? - mac

Anonymous said...

Sully could apologize, but he wouldn't really apologize would he? I'd prefer a forehead tattoo of your oh so accurate: "Repeating as epiphany stuff thoughtful liberals have been saying for the last 30 years"

FreeRepublik said...

It's not easy to come up with a "What was I thinking???" Political affiliation becomes a part of a person's identity after a while, so people like Sullivan and Smerconish will hope or actively try to change their party before they realize they're on the wrong side of every single issue (and of history).

I think we all need to thank Limbaugh for revealing the truth behind the GOP: hoping the country fails, so they could regain their power.

tech98 said...

How do we get people off the sofa in some meaningful way?

A great question. Start with a milquetoast Dem party that doesn't meekly negotiate away half the store as their opening proposal and end up with crumbs as they get rolled by the bullies over and over again, clinging stupidly to fig-leaves like "bipartisanship" and "compromise" as ends in themselves as the pig assholes on the other side laugh and give them wedgies.

They could start by flushing away the Repig Calvinball of requiring 60 votes for anything to pass in the Senate, which somehow never applied when the Repigs were in the majority. Nobody gives a crap about your prissy Senate rules and traditions, Harry Reid; they want you to Get Shit Done.

They could start by kicking primadonna Joe Lieberman out of the caucus. As a matter of good personnel management, as well as pride, you don't fawn and flatter and give high positions to someone who blatantly shits on your party over and over -- you politically kneecap them and dump them in an alley.

If the Dems want people to stand up in support, they need to start standing their ground and fighting first. You feel pretty stupid showing up to support someone in a fight only to have them meekly surrender and leave you hanging.

Anonymous said...

Instead of apoligizing this sory prick should just take his ass back across the pond and stay there.

US Blues said...

In response to Anon up top, the question in my mind for several years has been: "How bad does it need to get before people get pissed?" And by that I don't mean along the false dichotomy of dem/rep. liberal/conservative, which is part of the strategy to disempower the People.

I mean when will the People of the is country stand up and reclaim the gov't, not in the name of one of two failed ideologies, which has proven unworkable (see- US political history), but in the name of the commonweal. Anything less than that is not a party worth attending.

Cirze said...

Busted and I are organizing a real March on Washington - this time with torches and pitchforks.

If they are going to take us down one by one, we should at least get some type of publicity for it.

And if they are stopping any reporting at all about "embarrassing" events like the BP oil "spill," then we've got to take a stand somewhere.

Even though we are already past the "sell" date.