Tuesday, March 15, 2011
One of My Favorite Videos Explains
in Vewy, Vewy Simple Language, exactly what kind of shit the Koch Brothers' Republican hirelings are trying to force public service workers to put up with now their labor has been extracted but the money they were promised would be put aside in exchange for that labor has -- whoopsie! -- all been spent to give tax cuts to the wealthy and underwrite a variety of other catastrophically bad Conservative social and martial experiments.
Maybe you're old enough and Liberal enough to remember that waaaaay back in the Olden Days, when a man named "George W. Bush" was President, even hinting that the gummint should put neither massive wars nor massive tax cuts on the national credit card (much less doing both of these spectacularly reckless things at the same fucking time) was considered Liberal Treason and Heresy against the Dear Leader by the very same fuckwads in funny little hats who are now suddenly Born Again Fiscal Hawks.
Now that a Black Kenyan Socialist is in the White House.
Now that Thor's Mighty Deficit Hammer can once again be wielded to beat the crap out of whichever of their favorite scapegoats is on the menu today.
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To date, this is how the very few interactions I've had with Never Trumpers have gone, because I want to talk about the Befor...
Among us elitist, Liberal swingin' dicks who live lives of unspeakable privilege and luxury out here in the Middle of Amer...
Wonderful, Drifty and forwarded on to some of my consulting friends.
I've been through this so many times, I was mentally pasting in the faces/voices of clients that have tried the same schtick. If you can't cry, you might as well laugh.
Great to see the leftist interblogosphere like yourselfs finally come around to witnessing the merit of my proposals to hire up an all volunteer govt workforce!
The only sure way to rid our govt payrolls of the vampire pensioneers suckling us dry, tax dollar by precious tax dollar, is to only use volunteers for govt jobs!
We did it once with the All Volunteer Armed Forces, we can do it again!
Award Winning Interblogger
(mulitple categories, multiple years)
I agree. The people who support US Federal Gov't operation should all be on Blackwater (sorry, XE)/Haliburton pay scales, same as the people who support military operations.
every time you post that video, I start drinking so heavily that I blackout before it ends.
I trust the vendors wind up with axes and 'whacka whacka' ending the discussion?
The persons in the video are too up-front in their demands. Our REAL Koch-Conservawingers get the service done first and then explain why they won't pay you: because LIBERALS! screeeeeeee....taxes too high! screeeeee... Teacher's Unions! screeeee.... Social Security Screeeeee.....
As a hairdresser, I had a client like that. No matter what price I gave her, the response was always, "I can't afford that." Finally I told her to, "just pay what you think it is worth."
She ended up paying almost double what I would have charged. Haven't heard from her again, nor would I do her hair if she called.
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