This bullshit, astroturf, keep-"compromising"-ever-Rightward farce?
Oh Hell no.
From Newsweek, Marky Mark McKinnon speaks out on the real villains who have forced -- forced! -- Hero Centrists like him to buy time-shares in Glenn Beck's ass-crack.
Do We Still Need Unions? NoFortunately these clowns will have to scuttle away and find another gravy train ten seconds after they burn through Uncle Scrooge McBloomberg's start-up Centrist Welfare dough.
Let’s End a Privileged Class. is the abuse by public unions and their bosses that pushes centrists like me to the GOP.
Or, at the risk of repeating myself:
I mean, ever since the Republican Base ducked out on paying the tab for a generation of being loudly and catastrophically wrong about everything by putting on funny hats, screaming about liberty and calling themselves "The Tea Party", their sleazy Centrist enablers have been seething with jealously. Quite suddenly the monster they built didn't need them anymore and the skeevy hustlers who had helped create the Racist/Corporatist/Dominionist Confederacy on the bones of the New Deal and the grave of the American Dream found themselves cast out and looking for their next meal ticket.
Preferably a meal ticket under a banner that -- like "Tea Party -- wouldn't keep bringing up their horribly inconvenient past as the sleazy, enabling hustlers.
Hey, kids! I have an idea! Lets peel those the icky, damning labels off of everything and -- presto! -- there is magically no longer any difference between rat poison and apple sauce!
Can I haz my million dollars now?
And after they have folded the tents on their 1,000th sucker-the-rubes-into-cutting-their-own-economic-throats and moved seamlessly on the the 1,001st, one group will still be around.
Because it has survived worse than this.
Because The Dude abides.
I'm seeing this argument advanced everywhere now.
It's the K(r)och forward movement.
Nice catch.
I wonder if Beck belongs to a Union? Do ANY Fox employes?
I've been hearing that "we don't need unions" bullshit for decades now. It's a classic example of the "Perfect Solution" fallacy -- since the solution to the problem of Capital stamping on Labour's face forever isn't absolutely perfect, then we have to get rid of it.
Mark McKinnon probably thinks it's an overall good thing if Capital stamps on Labour's face forever, since his face won't be getting ground into the dirt personally, but the vast majority of the people I hear making this argument are pretty well begging to carry the baton first in the race to the bottom. Most likely because they're idiots who haven't bothered to enlighten their self-interest.
I'm afraid the "Meet Ya In The Middle" crowd is older than dirt and will likely always be with us.
"I mean, ever since the Republican Base ducked out on paying the tab for a generation of being loudly and catastrophically wrong about everything by putting on funny hats, screaming about liberty and calling themselves "The Tea Party"
Christ I think some coffee actually shot out of my ears.
Awesome pic there at the end.
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