Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Here Comes Mr. Issa

(h/t John M.)

From "How Stuff Works":

How the Spanish Inquisition Worked

The inquisitorial court traveled the country conducting tribunals. This court consisted of two inquisitors as well as secretaries and other members. A typical inquisition began with an Edict of Grace after a Catholic Mass, in which the inquisitors explained what constituted heresy and encouraged the congregation to confess any transgressions. Those that confessed escaped torture and extreme punishment but were forced to denounce any other heretics.

Heresy could be definitively proven if the accused was caught in a heretical act, but the goal of the inquisitor was always to extract a confession, or admission of guilt. Inquisitors were not only better educated and better versed in the Bible than their subjects; they were also specifically trained in how to question them in confusing or leading ways. Often, the accused wasn't clever enough to answer the inquisitor's questions and prove his innocence. But the inquisitor still needed a satisfactory confession. Accused heretics could be imprisoned for years until one was obtained.

We saw this movie before.
It was called "The 90s".
But this time around the GOP is far more depraved.
And their Base is far, far crazier.


StringonaStick said...

Oh God, here we go again; and this time with Faux News to provide all the necessary coverage to propagandize the entire country, with the rest of the Villager media to lend plenty of hands.

John Mc in NC said...

Frickin Awesome job DG. Beautiful shot, and thanks for the completely unnecessary hat tip.

John M.