Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Jonathan Franzen Talks About Stuff

(h/t Peter Sagal for pointing the way to this fine little interview.)


Chicago Guy said...

Now I understand why I had to put the book down. I kept waiting for the profound part and it never came. But listening to this---I got it. There is no profound part!
It was when he said "You don't know many bird watchers, do you?" That I had to stop, run out and buy him a razor. . .

Retired Patriot said...

"to be Loyal is to perform work... and loyalty, of course, is one of those obsolete values that is an impediment to the perfect functioning of the consumer economy."

Bingo. Franzen puts into words the greatest frustration I've had over the past several years.

Maybe one day loyalty will be a core value that is actually a core value - instead of a mere word on every mission statement I've ever read.


Rev.Paperboy said...

"America is almost a rogue state"

Whaddaya mean "almost"?

egads! word verification "CONDI"

Cirze said...

I'm reading his Freedom over the holidays.

Or trying to.
