Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Tomorrow, In Case You Were Wondering

Why the grand media boulevards of Chicago are deserted and there is not a reporter in sight, this is where they all went...

From the invaluable Capitol Fax:

The members of the Chicago Electoral Board will meet to hear [Rahm Emanuel residency case] and most likely issue a decision at a session that will start at 9 a.m. on Thurs., Dec. 23 at 69 W. Washington St., in the Lower Level Conference Room. This is an open meeting. This is the same room at the base of the escalator where the evidentiary hearing was conducted last week. The attorneys on both sides have already requested a “Rule 20″ hearing to address the Board before the Commissioners vote.

You know, if I were disposed to impute complex, Machiavellian schemes to President Obama's former Chief-of-Staff, I would probably mention that in a media landscape where the political headlines are constantly full of what is essentially this news-neutral, process story, not only does Team Rahm get its candidates name repeated a dozen times a day in the press for free, but for as long as the story runs it also all but drowns out every other policy question and every other candidate's carefully timed and calibrated messaging strategy.

Good thing I'm not that sort of person.

After the hearing, we here are all expecting history to unfold as destiny has dictated.

Or as it was once written

long ago:
Chicago, you will be mine, like my dog, or my horse, or my falcon, or my favorite neck-stabbin' pencil except that I shall love you more - and trust you less.

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