... Mooselini is running for That Big Job down in the Arkham on the Potomac (who on the Right could possibly stop her?) you need to put down your copy of "The Wealth of Nations", quit musing about Abraham Lincoln and stop huffing the last few molecules of Hai Karate off that Bill Buckley ascot you bought on eBay. History, policy and philosophy are all the wrong places to look for your answer, because the Republican Party doesn't have policies or philosophies or a past anymore.
The Republican Party is a massively well-funded, well-organized criminal syndicate engaged in a long-term bust-out of the United States of American.
It has around the clock fascist spectacle.
It has infinitely fungible secret enemies.
It has pimps and hustlers.
And above it all, it has stakehorses and loan sharks.
Sarah Palin is the Fleece Queen of that Bunco Mountain and is cheered on by an entire army
of people who are proudly dumb enough to let themselves be taken by the Grifter Party. And not just once, mind you, but slab-o-meat dumb enough to be taken by the same dreck peddled by the same hucksters over and over and over again, decade after decade after decade.
And the thing is, in the end, this story always ends the same, because grifters like Paling don't actually give a shit about your problems.
Grifters like Palin don't care that you've been out of work since forever, or that you're losing your house, or that your kid is sick, because dealing with those things mean dealing with policy and philosophy and our shared American past, and the Republican Party doesn't do policy or philosophy or the past anymore.
Grifters like Palin want one thing and one thing only:
The world, Chico, and everything in it.
Then the grifters are ultimately fools as well.
The USA must stay fiscally healthy enough to maintain its massive military and covert action agencies, else global plutocracy will not be able to plunder the Global South (fka the 3rd World) of its human and material resources.
The local elites who manage the plundering on site know they can count on Uncle Sam to save their sorry asses if their local police and military fail. If they can't count on Uncle Sam, they'll need to flee their countries, and then who will manage the plundering--without which the whole filthy system of global plutocracy will collapse?
I don't think Blackwater--excuse me, Xe--and its ilk can provide the plutocrats with an adequate substitute for Uncle Sam's armed forces, although it might be evil fun to watch those mercs try it--and get slaughtered by righteous guerrillas.
"WASHINGTON — The white Southern Democrat – endangered since the 1960s civil rights era – is sliding nearer to extinction.
After this week's elections, the Democratic Party barely holds a presence in the region outside of majority-black urban areas such as Atlanta and Memphis. The carnage for the party was particularly brutal in the Deep South, where just one white Democrat survived across Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina.
The Republicans' effort to win over the South, rooted decades ago in a strategy to capitalize on white voters' resentment of desegregation, is all but complete."
"exit polling revealed that almost 25 per cent of the electorate was aged 65 and up, most of them white males. Only 11 per cent of voters surveyed were aged 18 to 29. “It’s just the frenzied, desperate last gasp of a bunch of privileged white people trying to hold on to their power,” said Democrat Kate Hamill, 27."
The next full term election, will not be decided by an ever shrinking demographic in an increasingly isolated population of privileged ageing white men. The numbers just don't work. It is a downward spiral.
Palin is our ace in the hole. If the republicans are idiot enough to nominate her, I will dance naked in my driveway. In fact, given Obama's "leadership" success, she's our practically our only hope for salvaging something from 4 years of bushlite.
Anytime you like, you can go to YouTube and see the clip of her saying, when she ran for governor of Alaska in 2006, that she would support a change in the Alaska laws to force women pregnant from rape or incest to carry to term.
I would welcome the GOP being loon enough to pick her.
An aside: 1/3rd of the teapartiers won, in a mid-term in which the president of the united states did rehab on these assholes like he was their blood mother.
Run, Sarah, run!
Hai Karate on Buckley's ascot - brilliant! A Proustian madeleine for that simple time so long ago, when evil was still human-scale, sentimental and interstitial enough that one could hope that real (long-haired) people could drive it back ...
I remind Tanbark that conventional wisdom considered Reagan unelectable through most of the 1970s.
And if he does dance naked in his driveway, I hope for Haruhi's sake he does not post it on YouTube, lest the Web implode from Teh Horror. Ya thought Medusa was bad... :P
Sharon Angle almost beat Reid. with uncountable millions and millions of dollars from corporations all over the world, the unswerving support of Fox, and slightly less hysterical support of all the other Media, Palin could win.
But would it make a difference? Things are reaching the point where it doesn't matter who is declared Emperor... its all for show anyway.
God, I'd forgotten about Hai Karate. When I was 15 I'd spend most of my paper route money buying that shit by the gallon. Oddly enough it didnt't turn me into a chick magnet. Ugh.
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